CAPE’s Charter Portal System
Learn moreExtorama assists in developing an advanced communication flow that enhances the driver experience, letting the chauffeur take instant pictures and exchange crucial information with the remote center along with allowing freight dispatch monitoring.
The dispatch apps provide effective dispatch management to regulate any installations, repairs, and maintenance needs. Fast and hassle-free payment procedure that does not require the involvement of permanent or freelance truck drivers.
Communicate easily with your charter chauffeurs
Exchange physical CMR documents instantly
Log arrival and departure times quickly and easily
Additional Solution Capabilities
Easy integration with other systems
Extorama is a tool which can seamlessly fit into your systems landscape
Easy exchange of loading documents such as CMR
The chauffeur can take a picture with it’s smartphone and exchange it together with the order information back to you.
Log arrival and departure times and calculate waiting time
By gaining insight into the actual time per customer, you can add the additional time to the invoice
Automated invoicing to the charters
You can automatically generate credit invoices and pay your charters without their administrative support.
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