Sustaira Helps Make an Impact on Sustainability & ESG

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives are supposed to be good for the environment. But they can be good for the bottom line, too—with consumers and investors taking notice. Central to productive and reportable corporate stewardship is dedicated sustainability and ESG software.

That’s because the most significant challenges to CSR and sustainability interests are reporting and measurement. Inconsistent standards, system gaps, and limited visibility make reporting complicated and measurement challenging. This is especially true with an inadequate ESG platform or non-dedicated sustainability software.

Becoming a sustainability leader requires an end-to-end understanding of an enterprise’s impact. Sustaira’s all-in-one cloud-based platform gives enterprises a 360-degree view of their CSR initiatives. Built on Mendix, Sustaira designed the Sustainability and ESG platform to make measurement and reporting easier to manage.

Sustaira helps you measure better

Many enterprises with good intentions measure more to accommodate gaps in existing reporting. They create new standards and goals. They invest in what they can measure and make estimations for the rest.

But without vendor information, it’s hard to know an enterprise’s true environmental impact. For instance, transportation carbon emissions may be large but hard to calculate.

With Sustaira, enterprises can improve their internal visibility and external integration. Improved access to data means better, more accurate results with fewer blind spots.

Partners like Siemens and Capgemini are helping Sustaira grow. The software vendor is expanding the breadth and functionality of its ESG platform. Currently, there are more than two dozen app templates to accelerate sustainability efforts.

A few of the many areas these apps focus on include:

  • Carbon and emissions accounting
  • Sustainability supplier management
  • Employee travel emissions
  • Sustainability and ESG disclosures such as Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directives (CSRD) and Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms (CBAM)

Each individualized application is designed to be a composable, fully customizable module. These Mendix-based building blocks integrate seamlessly within the Sustaira launchpad dashboard. There, an enterprise can manage its entire sustainability and ESG portfolio. That includes connections to external data.

Sustaira also makes it easy for each customer to scale their sustainability efforts. From the available apps, enterprises can assemble the ESG software templates they need. Sustaira users can then set up a bespoke dashboard customized to their business in less time.

Built for good, built on Mendix

The Sustaira platform connects systems and eliminates manual process management. The end result is flexible and scalable. The platform can accommodate applications and data from anywhere, as discovered or introduced. This is especially important when meeting international standards for compliance and reporting.

Sustaira is a Mendix Independent Software Vendor (ISV) partner. For two years, Sustaira has been building sustainable solutions on the Mendix platform. Sustaira chose the leader in low-code technology for its sustainability and ESG platform. Here are some reasons why:

  • The Mendix commitment to sustainability
  • A robust partner network including parent-company Siemens, AWS, SAP, Capgemini, and more
  • Modular, reusable microservices architecture optimizes flexibility, integration, and software extensions and updates
  • Internationalization opportunities from the Gartner- and Forrester-declared industry leaders

A low-code foundation grows with your sustainability program

Consider a jacket maker with 15 items on its bill of materials for each jacket. Now, consider the jacket maker creates 100 new styles a year to accommodate its various lines.

That’s 1,500 individual items to account for. Achieving scale and integrating with scores of supply-side systems is expensive. It’s also resource-intensive and slow without low-code technology.

Mendix enables sustainability vision

Mendix is a proven technology with two decades of experience. Merndix also has a strong network and the backing of Siemens, a leader in business technology. Mendix ISV partners represent every sector. They have access to a robust marketplace of prebuilt applications. ISV partners develop software at out-of-the-box speeds without sacrificing customization opportunities. Mendix also integrates with everything and scales with ease. With Mendix, it’s easy to weave third-party data into an enterprise’s sustainability platform.

Sustaira designed the platform to respond as an enterprise expands its sustainability agenda. It’s easy to spin up a new app module around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) or other CSR areas of management. With Sustaira, enterprises manage everything from the same place.

Sustaira helps organizations make a difference

Built on Mendix, the Sustaira platform solves real-world challenges for all types of organizations. Let’s take a look at two examples:

California State University Monterey Bay (CSUMB)

CSUMB instituted an ambitious 12-part Inclusive Sustainability Plan (ISP) in 2020. The plan builds off the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • The challenge: The project suffered due to measurement and reporting challenges. Tracking 12 topic areas across systems. Using manual Excel-based processes that were inefficient, error-prone, and complex.
  • The solution: CSUMB customized the Sustaira Carbon Footprint and Waste Tracking Application. As a result, they could automate, individualize, and track waste streams. They could apply that data against their sustainability goals. Sustaira integrated with external and internal data sources. The platform also created easy-to-understand visualizations and public-facing reports.

Transnational Diversified Group (TDG)

Transnational Diversified Group (TDG) is a dynamic global conglomerate of 30 enterprises. TDG’s industrial portfolio is vast and diversified. Included are logistics, IT, securities trading, real estate, renewables, and many other industries.

  • The challenge: Track Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions across 30 enterprises. Because of the breadth and scale of their operation, TDG faced significant hurdles. Challenges included disparate sources, error-prone data entry, transparency issues, and limited system access.
  • The solution: TDG customized the Carbon Accounting application and a super-tenant reporting model. TDG can now track their Scope 1, 2, and Scope 3 emissions data in the same format for all 30 subsidiaries. With Sustaira, TDG now has a centralized data hub with corporate and user profiles. TDG also eliminated manual errors and increased accountability and traceability across the group. The best part? Sustaira’s TDG solution took one resource six days to complete.

What’s next for Sustaira?

Working with Mendix, Siemens, and Capgemini, Sustaira plans to continue growing. That means adding to its marketplace of sustainability solutions. And as technology advances, Sustaira applications will, too. Look for apps that incorporate machine learning, generative AI, and other new technologies. Sustaira also plans to make the ESG platform more customizable in areas such as industry and geography.

Sustaira is making sustainability actionable, accountable, scalable, and rewarding for its clients. The goal is to combine cutting-edge technology with sustainability domain expertise. But the real goal is to make the world a better place.