Mendix Partner Support Certifications Offer Further Ability to Differentiate and Showcase Expertise

Our partners play an important role in the success of our customers. For this reason, we wanted to provide our customers with a clear and comprehensive selection of our partners with respect to expertise and experience to ensure the best possible match. We also wanted to provide our partners with the ability to differentiate and showcase their expertise, experience and customer success to best market their capabilities. With this goal in mind, we recently launched new partner profiles as part of our online community, listing details on recent projects, Mendix Developer Certification levels, team members, testimonials, and fields of expertise for each partner.

Mendix Partner Profiles

The new partner profiles have provided Mendix with a mechanism to ensure quality and consistency with respect to partner expertise and experience for our entire ecosystem. There are three different levels of partner capabilities that are reflected in the profiles:

  1. Authorized partners have qualified and rapid developer certified resources to support you with your Mendix initiatives. These partners have at least two customer validated case studies.
  2. Professional partners can successfully deliver complex, mission-critical Mendix applications and solutions for your business. They have developers that have undergone all Mendix certification levels (rapid, advanced and expert).
  3. Expert partners can support your enterprise in the successful positioning and adoption of the Mendix Platform, on all elements of the 4P’s, including portfolio management, academy services, change management capabilities and enterprise architecture. Their developers have undergone all levels of certification and can have extensive delivery expertise.

These unique capability levels are a great way to differentiate our partners and inspire them to continue to improve their Mendix capabilities.

Further partner differentiation with support certifications

It is evident that all of our partners provide support with Mendix apps in some capacity. With the goal to further differentiate our partners and validate what a good support partner can do, we have launched a Mendix support certification program.

The criteria we look for and measure our Support partners on, relates to their investment in dedicated, certified support resources, support infrastructure like ticketing tools and call center capabilities, internal procedures like incident, change and release management, SLA reporting, and customer satisfaction measurement. All certified partners have invested in these support capabilities specifically related to the Mendix Platform.  There are two levels of support partners: Certified Support Partners and Global Support Partners.

Certified Support Partners operate in their local markets, supporting customers in that local market around a specified vertical.

Mansystems Screenshot

Global Support Partners have certified Mendix developers operating around the globe, with an advanced or expert skill level to support customer initiatives around the world.

Capgemini Screenshot

We are proud to announce that over the past two months, we have gained three Certified Support Partners: Bizzomate, Flow Fabric and Mansystems, and one Global Support Partner, Capgemini.

Kjeld Cornelissen, General Manager at FlowFabric, is proud of the recognition: “It has always been a conscious choice to support our customers not only in the development of business applications but also in the phase that we call adoption. It is precisely when the project has ended that the added value of the application has to prove itself. This means that customers must be able to rely on, among other things, strong support and management organization. We have always invested a great deal in the training and certification of our employees and that has now resulted in being one of the first worldwide Mendix Certified Support Partners. In terms of knowledge we are even ‘overqualified’ and of course we are extremely proud of that. “

Capgemini has been involved since the start of Mendix and immediately saw the value of the Mendix platform. “We are proud of achieving a global status of our partnership because this is precisely the added value of Capgemini. It shows that we have invested as a partner in recent years and are now able to support our customers all over the world with the right quality and professionalism. Our extensive experience in SAP makes our knowledge and expertise comprehensive and we are happy to extend this to our customers. We look forward to building our global projects in Mendix and helping our customers in their next step to digitization,” says Desirée Fräser, Practice Manager of Custom Software Development at Capgemini.

Arnold Zwart, CEO of Mansystems responds to their Certified Support Sponsorship: “More and more companies recognize Mendix as a strategic platform for their organization. Because of this, the needed capabilities for developing these applications become more relevant, as well as the qualifications for maintaining and supporting these apps. This certification helps us to demonstrate that our support and maintenance services meet the requirements set by Mendix (and go even further). This is truly a valuable certification for us.”

Charles Bronzwaer, Operational Director at Bizzomate says: “We think it is very important that our customers continue to receive the right attention after a project has been completed. For this reason, we have a support department with dedicated employees. We have set up a streamlined process, so our customers always know where they stand, and there is a tight check on the agreed SLA. Our support process is digitally supported by an application modeled in Mendix. It is an honor that Bizzomate is one of the first certified by Mendix as a Support Partner, a nice reward for the hard work of our colleagues in the support department! “

Getting Certified

Are you ready to become a Mendix Certified Support Partner? Please contact your Partner Success Manager to work out a plan to get you to a Certified or even Global Certified Support Partner Certification level. The only pre-condition is that you already have a Mendix Capability Certification in place; to become an Authorized partner you need to invest in Mendix Certified resources and have proven that you have successfully delivered Mendix applications. For a Professional and Expert Certification level, you require additional Developer Certifications, project reference cases, customer testimonials and a capability audit. Your Partner Success Manager will be able to work with you on a tailored plan to ensure you reach the level that fits your ambition.