Low-Code in 30: Deliver High-Quality Apps

In this webinar, learn how Mendix helps development teams take a proactive approach to delivering high-quality apps customers love.

  • Transcript

    Welcome to the latest edition in

    locating thirty.

    My name is Simon Black. Kind of a technology evangelist

    here. Bendix

    in today’s located thirty, we’re

    gonna be covering delivering high quality

    APS throughout the entire application

    life cycle.

    Over the last few months, we’ve covered a number

    ofthe topics in these low code in thirteen,

    everything from collaborative visual development

    through to comprehensive security.

    So if you weren’t able to attend that particular

    weapon ours, you can always catch them on

    demands are our YouTube channel.

    Before we dive into today’s topic,

    I want to just give you an overview as to what

    Bendix was born to help enterprises bring

    with APS.

    And it’s the fastest and easiest loco platform

    to create mobile and Web applications

    at scale.

    The way they do this is we have an

    entire platform

    that takes everything from requirements

    covering development, deployment

    on operating

    on each of those stages. We try

    to bring business together

    so that they can collaborate around

    the development off that project.

    By doing so, it enables us to

    build applications ten times faster

    than traditional development,

    unused seventy percent fewer resources.

    When developing these applications,

    we need to make sure that we’re still

    delivering the same level of quality

    at a quicker speed.

    So for equality is a top priority

    for many organizations

    approximately seventy percent

    of all digital projects of failing

    because they’re not meeting the expectations

    or the quality levels that

    business demands.

    These expectations are often defined

    in certain requirements,

    and usually these split into two

    functional requirements on non functional


    Functional requirements dictate

    how well it complies

    and conforms to a given design.

    You come up with a list of requirements, like

    in this ring binder here.

    These are often defined by the business

    they’re given to the team’s, who

    then have to go and deliver it.

    But often this does not meet the level

    ofthe quality that the business requires,

    because often these changing over time,

    their expectations of changing business

    requirements are changing.

    So therefore you need to have a different process

    where these requirements are gathered

    on their communicated together

    on the non functional side.

    If we start to deliver applications that

    are not scaleable are not performing.

    We often result in situations like

    this picture here. When we have frustrated

    end users,

    they’re not able to use our application

    the way that they want

    to ensure the applications are built.

    Meet the business needs.

    The minutes platform encompasses several

    key tools.

    The first one is that we have a development platform

    is designed to enable Business ninety


    every state of the development process.

    The second is that we have a requirements

    management tool, allowing to have one

    central view of all of the projects

    and requirements

    and see an updated overview of

    the Progress Wass development.

    And lastly, we have a central portal

    so that we can manage and uses ideas,

    issues on bucks.

    I’ll be able to give their feedback from

    their stakeholders and it rained upon

    our application.

    Haven’t complete visibility off all those

    requirements is important.

    But you must make sure that what’s your

    building those requirements.

    You’re consistently meeting those needs

    and you’re not breaking things in the process.

    This is where testing is important.

    Bendix platform treats testing no different

    to any other development platform.

    Recover all types of testing.

    But three key areas would like to highlight

    today. The first

    one is functional testing,

    insuring what we build meets

    the end users expectations.

    And this is usually performed using our application

    test suite.

    I’ll demonstrate this later in my demo.

    Second, we need to have a facility

    for unit testing.

    This is done using the J Unit module

    on the unit testing module from our APP store.

    Finally, we need tohave integration


    So we need to be able to test the dependencies

    between our different micro services

    or different applications.

    And usually we do this using soap

    when we’re developing in speed,

    it’s important that those applications

    are built to be maintainable over

    time. The platform

    is designed to ensure that whatever

    you build is maintainable of

    perform herbal,

    not leaving you with the technical debt

    over the years.

    We do this on several levels,

    but I’ve highlighted three here today.

    The first one is the

    A current will perform static analysis

    of your application models

    and tells you how maintainable is

    where you need to make changes.

    This is part of my demo. Later,

    I’ll show you how we can utilize

    that tool to be able to improve

    our applications, maintain ability.

    When we were building our application. The

    model is consistently checking it for


    usually checked ten to twenty times

    more consistently checks compared

    to traditional programming platforms.

    And this is so that we can ensure that when we run the

    application, it will run correct

    first time

    and finally throughout the platform,

    we haven’t a I assisted development.

    This enables us to give suggestions

    as to best next steps

    based on industry standards

    so that we can improve the quality as

    we’re going through our development.

    In order to guarantee the applications

    are maintain away. The time

    is also important. That we re

    use thes components

    we use is an essential part ofthe

    software development.

    Almond ex applications are built using model

    driven development.

    This ensures that we can reuse any

    part off the platform on any part

    of the APP

    against other applications.

    The way we usually reuse thes module


    is by uploading those into our APP

    store. The APP store

    comes in two flavors. A private APP

    store only available for your


    on a public APP store. This available to

    the whole community.

    The story’s a component library, which

    really accelerates that application developed.


    in order to have true reuse,

    you need to be able to break up your app into

    a set of single mike services

    to being out to orchestrate those being

    out to build those

    out, to reuse those different logic

    in multiple aps

    for my demonstration today

    that you’re going to use a scenario that we’ve

    used in three previous weapon ours.

    This scenario is around on

    inspections up.

    An inspector is on a particular container

    ship he might have received on

    a on his mobile device

    That something has happened to a particular container

    on the ship.

    He needs to go and inspect it

    and then see what is wrong.

    Records and information on his mobile device.

    This demonstration. We’ve got a showcase.

    Quickly, the application.

    We’re gonna submit a feedback,

    see how we can manage that feedback

    and see how we can add. Then use

    use attests to that particular use

    a story and finally,

    would then see how you could leverage

    so that we can see how well our

    application is in terms of maintain ability.

    Now that we’ve seen how the medics

    platform addresses quality,

    let’s take a look at two of those particular

    platforms in more detail.

    Thie platform on

    the platform. A leverage. This

    particular demo application

    So I have the open in my browser

    here, and we can in this particular

    avocation, CIA number ofthe inspections

    that we need to do on a particular container

    ship. We can see the task

    for each of those inspections on. As

    we drill down, we can see each

    individual question. We need to answer

    when we do this particular inspection

    for each of the questions, we can upload photos

    we cannot notes

    and be able to get a complete overview as to

    what we need to complete for this particular


    Now, when you’re developing an application, often you need

    to capture ideas, questions

    and issues from your end, uses

    your developers or testers.

    And to do that minutes has a booting

    feedback mechanism

    on the right side. Here we have this feedback button

    when we press it, it brings us into the

    feedback mode.

    And once we’re in the feed back road, we can select

    anywhere on the screen that we would like.

    Our new particular feature or issue

    has occurred,

    and this pool automatically take a screenshot

    off where the user was at the time

    and also identified there where

    they were clicking as well.

    We can then add a comment to this particular

    feedback item so that the

    Jews of the tester on developers

    no, exactly what needs to be added

    to satisfied my particular demands.

    I’m not gonna go through that process today, but

    earlier weaponized feature this particular


    So all of that feedback will go into our

    project management portal.

    And this is really where we can gather

    those requirements. Collaborate

    arounds, thie, initial user stories, and

    we can also manage out our feedback as well.

    So all of the feedback that users submit

    goes into this central portal here

    we can manage the open feedback, the

    handled and also accepted feedback,

    and we can then tie those back into

    individual users stories.

    So when we accept a feedback item, this

    will go into our story section

    and creates a new requirement which

    we can then start test cases, too,

    in our


    so we can see here we have a user story as a

    user would like to be out to get conditional

    questions based on your response.

    So in order to make sure that we are meeting that

    requirement consistently, as we

    add new features, we need to be able to

    add a test script for this,

    and to do so we need to jump into

    the platform.

    This is a browser based platform and

    allows it to see across all of our applications

    which test cases have passed

    on which have failed over the last

    seven days. So this gives us a high level

    view as to the progress of our


    See, here are loco mobile experiences


    and when we drew down on this, we can see some more

    in depth information about the test

    cases. And over the last seven days, we

    can see this graft to see how we’re progressing.

    On the test cases section here. This is really

    where we can see each of the test cases

    or the test sweets that we’ve

    recorded in this particular technology.

    We can also see certain test data

    so we can upload that test data

    in C S V in Excel.

    And this allows us to run on a

    bulk upload bulk process

    a number of tests in this particular


    So we might want to test on a thousand

    users, for instance,

    and upload them and register them into the

    platform. We can do this by the test

    data scripts.

    And finally, we have a direct link

    into those stories that we showed

    in the development platform

    so we can add certain test cases

    to those new features that we’ve


    So we’re going to take the last test case here. The

    last user story here on added new

    test case.

    When we do so, this sidebar will come

    up here, and this is where we can select

    existing test cases or

    test sweets on link those two individual

    use stories.

    In our case, we’re going to create a new test case.

    We’re going to give it a name off answering


    select a number ofthe templates.

    So a template is essentially a

    baseline of what we want.

    This particular test case to include

    so include a number ofthe steps as


    and help with this particular flow. We

    already created some of these as a template,

    so we’re going to open up the particular task.

    We’re gonna open up a particular question,

    and then this gives us the ability to then

    add our additional steps.

    If I hit, create an open, it will take

    that particular example test

    template and create those individual

    steps for us.

    So we see here on the test steps, we could drill

    down on each of those and see some more

    in depth information,

    so for each type off, activity

    will have a number off different properties

    here. This one, We’re cooking a

    button, so we need to know the witch it

    name that we need to click

    and in minutes every property, every

    container, every button

    contains his own unique which it name,

    and this allows us to identify it when we

    performed the script.

    We also have the test data as well as we can

    mark back which particular test data

    we want to use for this particular test

    case, we can see the usages

    of where it’s being used.

    Finally, we can see those stories that have been links.

    We combine multiple stories for a

    particular test case.

    Now, when we’re defining thes individual

    steps, we can even decide to record

    them manually.

    And when we do so, we’re asked to select

    from a particular function or in action.

    There’s a number ofthe default actions in here

    that have been built to support the

    Mendez platform.

    So things like clicking on certain buttons,

    selecting certain CSS elements

    all could be configured and added into

    this app.

    But we also have the option to record

    these. So if we want to use the browser

    recording so

    we could simply select record step,

    what this does is now sets up a recording

    session for us so that we can

    in the browser click on certain items

    and it will create those individual steps for us.

    I’m gonna head over to that tool. Now we can see

    that we have the feedback item open from

    before close that down now

    started. Add certain tests.

    So when we click the options here,

    every record that I’ve selected certain items

    record I’ve selected No. And then yes,

    it will record when I enter in a

    date, for instance,

    and also record information like when

    I type in the condition ofthe

    the container.

    Hop over back over to the


    we can see here. It’s set.

    The item as good

    is answered. Certain items as


    for our first question, is then

    answered no to the second question and

    then changed his mind. Tea? Yes, for instance,

    on the right hand side here you can see

    what the values are being set on, what

    the assertion value should be.

    It’s the session value is saying, What

    should that value be when

    we enter this information?

    It’s a really good way of comparing and making

    sure that when we select, the certain item

    is meeting those values that

    we we think it should.

    The witch it name here allows his store identify

    what we want to select allows

    us to make sure that that run

    when we hit safe. What This would do it and create

    those individual steps. Here. We see these

    now in here.

    We contract and drop these in the browser so

    that we can move the order around.

    So we want to be out two slept these answers before

    we actually hit the complete button

    So now we’ve added some additional steps. We

    want to be able to run this, and we want to be out to

    test it on a number of different browses

    on also a number of different environments.

    In our case, we’re going to select our acceptance


    and we’re going to run this on a selenium, huh?

    So under the hood,

    the eighty s platform is creating

    a number ofthe selenium scripts.

    And selenium is a way of creating automated

    tests in the browser or

    on the device.

    And this is a selenium hub is

    a place where you can run. There’s selenium scripts.

    In our case, we’re going to use browser stack.

    You can also use source lamps all your own

    selenium. Heart of your choice.

    We’re also going to select the browser Chrome.

    I’m running on a Windows ten machine

    when I hit run. Now, once this will do,

    also take those scripts that we’ve

    could find in our

    platform. Send those to

    the browser hub Selenium stack

    on will allow us to then

    test phase in the process

    if I go get a browser stack now I can see

    that there is a test now starting to start

    up. That could have been triggered

    even manually

    or via assists.


    The platform has the ability to connect

    into any platform such as Jenkins.

    Vsd s allow you to trigger

    these over on a new build

    on a new commit and run

    thes in the browser.

    Do you see here it runs each of the steps

    so starts the browser opens up particularly

    Eurail. It waits for the application

    to be ready, and then we’ll perform each of

    those steps.

    Now, once is complete, it will actually

    record that particular session for us.

    So we can view each of those steps in

    the video recording here.

    So we can see, for instance, festival. It will go

    to the euro.

    It will then form a log in to

    the application

    it will finally

    open up the page that we want Teo

    to use. So

    it’s going to select the particular container.

    It will then answer. A number of these questions

    have. Finally, it will hit the complete

    button so you can see it’s selected good now

    on. Then it will close down the browser.

    If we go back into the


    we will see that it’s past the actual

    overall test,

    and we can also see a number of tests

    that have failed.

    If any point that particular test fails,

    it will record it what step it failed

    and also record and air a log as to

    why it failed.

    And finally, a screenshot of

    at what point in that particular

    process, it failed during the journey.

    And also you can see the recording embedded

    into the platform here

    so we can look run this. We see

    why that particular step failed

    in the journey.

    So we’ve seen how we can leverage thie

    application test way to be able

    to record functional tests and

    ensure that the requirements that

    the end uses build in the form of users. Stories

    are met using these particular test

    scripts. Obviously,

    testing is a really poor in part

    off the platform. But in order to

    be over to add new features

    on B over to scale your application

    over time, you need to make sure that

    you are handing maintain


    and that the quality of your application

    is overall. Going

    to be easy enough so that you can add

    new features on DH add

    re factoring over time,

    and to do that, we use the

    rental. So this is the application

    quality monitor,

    and this does static analysis

    off your application models so

    it checks it for how well built

    Overall you’re you are maintaining

    your application

    on it will give it a five star rating

    based on Isis Standard.

    It would check for things like volume, duplication,

    unit size unit complexity and

    give each of these a five star rating

    and then give you an overall rating. Is the hell

    well built your application is.

    You should always try to aim for a four star

    rating. This enables you to have

    loose coupling and labels you to

    add new features over time much

    easier than it would be if it was a three

    star or a two star maintain ability.

    On the right. Inside here, you can see a maintain

    ability trends. So every day

    it will check your application using

    the Mende ex model s decay so it’ll

    connect using the

    stick, pull all the information about

    your application model.

    It will convert it into a pseudo coat,

    and then it will compare it against thousands

    of applications built in different

    technology types. So it might be

    in pi thin. It might be in Ruby, it

    might be in PHP

    and it will give you an overall rating

    based on those thousands of applications.

    And we could see over time how we’re improving

    in those individual components, whether it be

    maintain ability, volume, duplication

    and so on. We

    can see down here how we’re actually

    improving or no improving

    compared to the last change we made.

    So we see here. We’ve made some improvements in

    terms of our defecation, but we’ve made

    some units size


    So as we’re going through, we consistently make

    an improve

    this application.

    It also gives us a good idea as

    to how well our developers of in

    organization are developing.

    Are they using the best standards and best

    practices in terms ofthe

    building and using snippets and reusable

    components, or are they building

    a mess that’s going to be difficult to

    maintain going forward?

    The maintain ability dashboard gives us information

    as to the makeup

    off our application.

    So what type of technology are

    we using? We get more points if we’re using

    more mend its compared Teo using

    Java or HTML song.

    He also gives us information like a duplication

    in its size and gives these in information

    easy to use graphs.

    The trend section lets you see over time

    and compare certain snapshots to see

    how well we’re improving.

    So we compare, For instance, last year

    to this year and see overall,

    Are we improving or are we

    getting worse?

    This gives us a really good idea. As

    Teo overall, are

    we consistently making sure that

    our APP is maintainable on? The quality

    of it is is good.

    The metrics table allows us to look

    at our application from the top

    down, so allows us to see

    information about, for instance, from

    a system level. How many

    lines of code

    are we developing?

    These lines of code, as I mentioned, are based on Suda

    Coates. There’s no actual physical code,

    but it also gives us a good idea

    as to how many man months it would

    take to rebuild this particular application.

    So it’s based on all of these applications.

    They’ve taken from different technologies,

    and they’ve come to a baseline as to how long it

    would take to rebuild it.

    Now these moments are different. If you’re building

    in men Nick’s, because we are ten times

    faster than a traditional technology.

    When you drew down on an application

    you can see for each of the modules

    and sections were in your application, how

    that breaks down

    the handyman months. Would it be for each

    of those modules? How many comments,

    how many lines of code and how many elements

    you have within

    when we true down fervor in each of these


    we can see the

    essentially the pseudo code. But behind

    each of those pages, Mike

    Flows or these entities.

    This is how men it’s built out its applications

    that uses these visual models to

    build out your maps.

    And this is a visual representation

    here in the suit, coat off a particular

    mike flow,

    so we can see it has an activity which is creating

    a variable importing and XML

    creating a

    import mapping.

    What it will do is use this so that you can compare

    it against other Mike Flows or

    other pages or other applications.

    The change snapshot section allows you to compare

    snapshots from today to yesterday and

    so on. The violations

    tap here allows us to see what have

    we been down marked off.

    So why are we not getting that five star

    rating? And what can we do to

    improve that?

    So here we can see we have some

    units size violations. So this

    might be because we have too many

    items on a page. It could be that

    we have an entity with lots and

    lots of attributes. So that’s not good

    practice to do. We should always break those

    up. It will show us duplications.

    So where On certain pages on

    Mike Flows, we have applications

    and also it will give us violations

    if we have bad coupling.

    So if we have modules that are

    not loosely coupled, it

    will be a ll give us negative

    marks and allow us to then

    improve those over time.

    But it not only does men next models, it

    will also look your CSS you’re html

    java JavaScript if you’ve added

    into the module.

    So here we can see we have some java, which

    actually is fairly identical.

    There’s several sections in here that

    we should actually look

    to re factor in the process.

    Funny, the last section. I want to showcase

    his thie dependency graphs

    so the dependency grafts looks out.

    Your application is a hole

    on each of those modules and how

    those a couple together.

    So you notice there’s a number of lines in between

    these and for each of

    theme modules. It will check whether

    those dependencies on those

    couples couplings between those modules

    are good or bad.

    So here we can see we’ve got some bad coupling

    because it’s using certain

    activities modules,

    and it’s not using those

    in a reusable way.

    That’s why it’s highlighted in red,

    and we can then start to go in and fix those.

    So has mentioned all of this. Information

    that is getting about these application

    models is provided by the model

    s decay

    on the model. S Decay is something that we

    will feature in our next weapon on which

    will be about open, extensive bility.

    It’s a powerful feature of the platform

    that allows you to do several things

    with it allows you to import, to

    export, but also do analysis

    off those models.

    So hopefully in the last twenty minutes or

    so off this demo, I’ve been out. Which should

    demonstrate to you some of the capabilities

    that make up the men, Dex software quality.

    And we’ve been able to demonstrate, in

    particular the eighty s platform

    on the platform.

    So I hope you have enjoyed this low

    coat Webinar


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