Posts by Andrej Koelewijn
Andrej Koelewijn is a Product Manager at Mendix responsible for the Runtime, data storage and integration aspects of the Mendix platform. He is an experienced IT professional with over 20 years of experience in different roles, ranging from development, to architecture, to pre-sales, to scrum master and scrum product owner.
All posts by Andrej Koelewijn
Flexible Integration Options to Support Low-Code Applications
7.16 Release: Making It Easy to REST
7.15 Release - Sharpening the Saw
Mendix 7.11 Offers REST Enhancements and New Web Modeler Capabilities
Mendix 7 Runtime Changes Enabling Scalable, Highly Available Apps
Introducing the Mendix Connector Kit
Using R to gain insight from the data in your Mendix Applications
Turn Data into Insight with Mendix OData Support