Bizzoplan Delivers Low-Code Training Solutions for Healthcare

Behind all the good work done at healthcare institutions is a dizzying amount of paperwork. Managing internships and student training initiatives is no exception. From onboarding to invoicing, healthcare training management requires secure, flexible, and easy-to-manage tools.

But there’s more to consider than the needs of the hospitals. Healthcare training management also means providing a thoughtful experience for the students. Physicians-in-training have to juggle several considerations while interning, from financial to departmental. To deliver positive experiences, students need access to resources. They need to plan, match, subsidize, and select a program.

Bizzoplan’s software simplifies training management for healthcare institutions and interns. Built on Mendix, it combines low-code technology with years of healthcare experience. The result is an efficient, user-forward experience. With Bizzoplan, healthcare providers can deliver bespoke training opportunities. Students praise their user experience, and training requires less overhead.

“All healthcare institutions have similar processes and struggles with training personnel,” said Herbert Lebens, Bizzoplan general manager. “Mendix and the ISV program enable us to translate our educational expertise into solutions from which the entire sector can profit.”

Bizzoplan simplifies healthcare training

Managing training for students and physicians is no small task. The software has to take into account regional high-level overviews of training programs. It also has to deliver specific departmental information to prospective interns. Each available role comes with a high level of specificity and complexity. From scheduling to registration requirements and training specifications, there’s a lot to manage.

“Nurses, doctors in training, OR staff, and non-medical staff are all trained differently. Various registration needs are required,” said Lebens. “For each target group, we offer applications tailored to their needs. This includes modules for planning, matching, subsidies, regional training overviews, and more.”

“Our applications make it easy to carry out processes. They also aim to make the experience for students as positive as possible,” said Lebens. “For example, our scheduling engine puts 97% of students in their preferential department. Everything is aimed at giving students an enjoyable experience. We want to keep them in the healthcare sector.”

Bizzoplan divides its software into three applications:

  • AIOS’ Training Registration: Registers AIOS’ (doctors in training to become medical specialists) training tracks as they navigate multiple institutions. Among other things, the module helps get auditing and onboarding in order.
  • EPA Back Office: Handles all the registration, certification, and invoicing processes for nurses and medical-support healthcare professionals related to the CZO Flex Level program.
  • Internship Planner: Helps schedule and subsidize training and internships for (nursing) students throughout the healthcare institution’s regional and departmental chain.

“Experts develop our software. They have worked in the education and healthcare sectors for decades,” said Lebens. “We analyze and optimize processes down to the smallest detail. As a result, the applications offer extremely high functionality without requiring much management.”

Bizzoplan simplifies operations and improves the student experience. It uses the Mendix low-code platform to ensure top security and compliance.

“In the medical sector, it is critical that data is secure,” said Lebens. “Mendix complies with all certifications.

Bizzoplan already has a growing client base. Maastricht Medical Center, Zuyderland, and other Bizzoplan clients experience the benefits of low code first hand as new modules are designed and deployed extremely fast. Because of Mendix, Bizzoplan can spread out the development work with educational experts instead of IT programmers, which helps them boost productivity. “Mendix offers all the tools needed to develop highly complex applications easily, flexibly, and quickly, without extensive technical knowledge,” said Lebens. “At Bizzoplan, we find it very important to limit the transfer of information as much as possible.”

What’s next for Bizzoplan?

Bizzoplan plans to continue expanding the scope of its healthcare training software over the next year. The enterprise also plans to scale its operations into new locations. “Our apps are currently only licensed to institutions in the southern part of the Netherlands,” said Lebens. “But the solutions are more generic. This makes them interesting for other regions and countries as well.”

“Moreover, we aim to help our partners in cooperating regionally as training is no longer done all in one place,” said Lebens. “As a region, you want to avoid one hospital bringing in all the students while others struggle to find staff. These regional initiatives help many institutions gain insight and optimize their training activities. Without Mendix, we could never have realized such complex applications.”