Get Certified: Discover the Benefits of Mendix Certification

Ask any CIO what the biggest challenge is in bringing their enterprise into the digital age, and it’s not technology, budget or alignment between business and IT that comes up – it’s skilled staff.

You read that right. According to Insights from the Gartner CIO Agenda,” the most common pain point with new technologies isn’t the technology itself, but “seeking out the new skills required to exploit them.” Low-code platforms are gaining traction in the market and enabling enterprises to rapidly build, deploy and gain value from custom web and mobile apps. Building a team to develop and deploy these apps gets a whole lot easier with a combination of intuitive easy-to-use low-code tools and sharp, focused training.

Mendix certification is not only a sure-fire way to enable you and your developers to make great apps, but it’s also a great way to build both a professional career and an enterprise Center of Excellence (COE). That’s where Mendix Academy comes in!

Mendix Academy’s core mission is to enable a global pool of project-ready Mendix developers, business analysts and others involved in the development of applications by setting the global standard for certification and training programs across Mendix customers, partners and employees. We design, develop, curate and deliver skills maps, certification programs, classroom, and online courses as well as supporting content that enable Mendix users of all types, at all levels, in all geographies.

With Mendix Academy, you can train 24/7 when and where you want with online learning and Community questions and answers.

Our Program

The Mendix Developer Certification Program will help to boost your career by validating your knowledge, skill level, and contributions to the Mendix community. A certification obtained at the Rapid Developer, Intermediate Developer, Advanced Developer, and Expert Developer levels contributes to your ranking and visibility, and it will be directly visible to the Mendix community via your Mendix Profile.

Once you sign up on the platform, you will automatically join as a Mendix community member, so you can start training and building apps with Mendix right away. The levels of certification that you can obtain after you join as a Mendix community member are described below.

Mendix Rapid Developer Certification

Rapid: To get the Rapid Developer Certification, you need to pass an online exam that proves you understand the fundamentals of the Mendix Platform and how, when, and where to use them. This certification is proof of your basic Mendix knowledge and demonstrates that you can join a project team and independently build prototypes. You can then learn more on the job about the Mendix Platform and Agile development.

Mendix Rapid Developer CertificationIntermediate: To get the Intermediate Developer Certification, you need to pass an online proctored exam (50 questions in 90 min) that proves you can apply intermediate-level knowledge of the Mendix platform to start building the next great apps.


Mendix Advanced Developer Certification

Advanced: To get the Advanced Developer Certification, you need to pass an online proctored exam (50 questions in 120 min). This certification is proof of your advanced knowledge of the platform and your professional experience in developing Mendix apps. As a certified Mendix Advanced Developer, you are able to work independently on complex user stories, start to specialize as a technical or business consultant, and coach junior team members.

Mendix Expert Developer Certification

Expert: To get the Expert Developer Certification, you need to send your application and Mendix will evaluate your completion of the requirements as well as your motivation, project description, customer references, and portfolio. When you reach the Expert Developer Certification, you demonstrate capabilities in taking the lead when delivering Mendix applications to customers. The Expert Developer Certification proves more than just knowledge and skills — it proves expertise and experience. As a certified Mendix Expert Developer, you can lead project teams, do project estimations and proofs of concept, and coach other teams.

We’ve clearly defined what knowledge and experience are needed for each job role at each level of expertise and have built both online and classical classroom training to help you and your developers get certified.


Mendix Training in the Classroom
Mendix Academy offers classroom training.

You gain knowledge by following courses, and for each level and each job role, we’re building a corresponding module, lecture, or exercise to go with each skill. You build experience by creating Mendix apps in real-world Mendix projects, and we evaluate both knowledge and experience with carefully-calibrated assessment based on the learner’s job function. Because our assessments are based on these definitions, we have established a single, global standard of Mendix certification. In other words, a Mendix certificate means the same whether you’re in Montreal or Mumbai, which is great news for employers and employees alike!

What Mendix certification means to you and your staff

Our thinking behind how these certification programs are built, structured, and paced is all based on how it helps you and your team of developers to get up and running with a low-code platform as best as possible. For you, this means that you can establish that COE you’ve been dreaming of. For your developers, it means that they can build out their professional career.

Let’s focus a little on your staff first. For a developer, certification means that you can build a professional Mendix career and directly demonstrate your value to your employer and clients. Beyond that, you can showcase your achievements with globally recognized professional credentials which highlight your knowledge, ability, and contributions. A benefit of being certified is that you can always come back to Mendix Academy to learn the latest tips and tricks and discover new stuff with our clearly-defined, role-based curricula.

If you’re running a project team, you’re interested in staffing and building your Mendix Center of Excellence (COE) so you solve business problems with great apps. Because there’s a single standard of training and certification, this means you can cast a wider net and find the right Mendix developer for your COE, whether that’s training resources from your own organization, hiring from the market, or working with Mendix Expert Services or even a certified partner. This means that whether you’re developing your first app, building on your success and expanding to three or five apps, or even scaling Mendix development to your whole enterprise, you can train, find or hire the perfect resource to build your Mendix dream team!

To monitor your team’s progress throughout our learning programs, we provide your Customer Success Manager a maturity report that tracks your team members’ progress. Your Customer Success Manager uses this report to help you decide on the next steps for your team and even identify an individual’s next action.


Desk with Laptop with a Screen of a Maturity Report
An example of a maturity report. Coffee is optional.

Start growing

Our goal at Mendix Academy is to foster and educate a range of job roles and skills for your Mendix COE. The direct benefit is that you and your team get a head-start in creating apps that deliver value to your company. But our goal with our certification program reaches beyond that. We strive to arm professionals with skills that can advance them throughout their careers, and we aim to best help you find and build the right team to help you achieve digital execution.

Mendix Academy - What are you waiting for? Get certified.

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