Mendix on UK G-Cloud: Building Blocks For Digital Public Services

Mendix is now part of the G-Cloud procurement framework. Learn more about this exciting development for UK public sector organizations.

Flexible, adaptable technology that helps the public

What if upgrading your legacy technology meant you did not have to choose between off-the-shelf solutions or bespoke software development? You can have flexible technology and efficiently adapt mobile and online services. Modern digital public services are possible within your resource constraints.

I remember the early days of UK G-Cloud and hearing the success of organizations across the public sector in the UK who were starting their journey to the cloud. Like Elrond of Rivendell says in Lord of The Rings, “I was there.” Although it would be a long journey with difficult challenges to overcome, eventually traditional methodologies would fail. G-Cloud led the way and a fellowship of other procurement frameworks has followed. G-Cloud was a ground-breaking model for public procurement with call-off contracts of technology service types separated into different lots for hosting, software, and support arranged all together in a single service catalog like the Digital Marketplace and the new Public Procurement Gateway (PPG).

The pace of change in digital public services has never been so fast. Cloud computing services are now readily accessible to thousands of public sector organizations today thanks to G-Cloud. The barrier to build better services is no longer procurement and instead the technology should reduce complexity and promote reuse. This is the advantage of an enterprise-grade app development platform and why it is so good to see Mendix on the G-Cloud procurement framework through PPG.

The building blocks to deploy digital public services

Every community organization, government body, and town council will face challenges to deliver digital public services. You can choose to modernize systems because you want to improve accessibility and the citizen experience. Or perhaps you prefer an innovative solution because your current system technology is out-of-date and no longer supported. With any digital transformation comes the risk of introducing complicated technology today that quickly grows obsolete tomorrow.

Adaptable digital public services ensure that organizations prepare for the future while operating in the present.

A digital transformation that utilizes a flexible app development platform can provide services six to ten times faster than traditional procurement and development.

This includes future-ready solutions that you build to last, you customize for the unique needs of specific communities, and you implement cost-effectively from reusable components.

“Current circumstances during this period of post-pandemic recovery create constraints on public sector budgets. These organizations typically manage complex services that involve multiple organizations, which is a tough challenge with legacy systems that do not offer mobile-native functionality. Our customers leverage reusable components and services to become more composable, thereby reducing complexity and promoting reuse.” says Jethro Borsje, Chief Ecosystem Solutions Officer at Mendix. “Mendix is bringing a low-code approach to new types of software problems. We constantly focus on enabling our customers with ingenious software solutions.”

Enterprise-grade app development platforms enable organizations like Knowsley Council to easily build customized multi-app solutions that meet the exact needs of the public and satisfy stakeholders within their organization. These apps integrate seamlessly with existing systems and data sources. With Mendix App Factory, they can quickly build multiple applications within months. Think of Mendix, with its emphasis on reuse, as the building blocks to deploy digital public services.

Enabling success in the public sector

Leading UK organizations are using Mendix to create significant operational efficiency gains. This includes addressing some of the most pressing challenges facing the public sector today, including response to COVID-19.

Here are five quick examples of Mendix success stories for the public sector in the UK and around the globe:

  • Dubai Municipality upgraded over 250 paper-based services for 36 departments and 13,000 employees in just a few months.
  • The City of San Antonio replaced a manual process for housing benefit with a digital solution in just 12 days.
  • The Civic Integration Agency of Flanders built a COVID safety information app for more than 18 languages in just 8 weeks and reused it with information for Ukrainian refugees in less than 2 weeks.
  • The City of Rotterdam improved the user experience at its Registry Office with an online, secure digital portal.
  • Knowsley Council upgraded its scheduling tools with greater access to services, creating time savings of up to 98% per interaction.

IT Development Officers like Knowsley Council’s Christina McGarry are often at the forefront of digital execution in the public sector using Mendix. McGarry says of Mendix:

“It’s a platform that allows people with little development experience to build complex applications and to quickly feel confident with the tools.”

Minimizing risks, maximizing value

Generating value while mitigating risks and overseeing development seems like a tall order, but it’s entirely possible within the Mendix Platform. The Mendix Governance Framework helps to show how to incorporate new technology, like app development platforms, both organizationally and technically.

Our new eBook explores the potential of Digital Public Services for all public sector organizations with technology built with longevity and durability in mind. Learn how our partner ecosystem supports our customers using Mendix. Discover how organizations use our enterprise-grade app development platform to kickstart their digitalization and optimize public services rapidly without exhausting their resources.

Take advantage of Mendix on the G-Cloud network. The building blocks for digital public services are in your hands. Now you can make them your own.

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