It has only been a few weeks since we released Mendix DX. This release was a major improvement for the role User Experience plays in new and existing Mendix projects. We would like to thank our users for the feedback so far and for the enthusiastic response from our community!
Mendix’s biggest strength has always been rapid application development. Model your idea into an application in a heartbeat. Aside from the ability to quickly model an application together, the demand for beautiful and responsive applications has also risen. To satisfy to this demand, we created the Mendix UI Theme Creator.
Customize, customize, customize
We want our users to be able to quickly change the look and feel of their application, without any hassle. Some of you might already use the Mendix UI Framework, Page Templates, Navigation Layouts and Design Elements. With the release of the Mendix UI Framework, we were able to start building the Mendix UI Theme Creator.
With the Mendix UI Framework, it was already possible to use the device switcher to preview the app and switch between multiple themes. Now, the theme creator will allow you to change and preview your theme in the browser.
The following two features will help you create your own theme:
- First off, we are introducing ‘brand colors’. Brand colors will help you quickly change numerous design elements throughout your Mendix application.
- Secondly, we are introducing a way to instantly adjust your global layout and text settings. It’s possible to change the topbar, sidebar, brand title and background colors. Aside from the colors, you can also change the default text color, size and hyperlink color.
After changing the colors and text sizes to your liking, your theme will be auto generated with a click on the download button.
Want more customization?
This is a great first step toward building your application with a custom theme. However, don’t forget that even now you’re just scratching the surface. We hope these steps will point you in the right direction to checkout the customization of the Mendix UI Framework so you can really build the look and feel of your dreams. Read our guide on about Mendix UI Framework to begin your journey.
Next up for the Mendix UI Theme Creator
We won’t stop here. After the DX release, and now the first phase for the Mendix UI Theme Creator, we cannot wait to extend our framework and our theme creator even further. Our goal is for you to be able to customize an entire Mendix app in the browser.
As always, be sure to give us feedback at the Mendix Forum and our Github repository!