Mendix World 2020: The Greatest Hits

There’s nothing like that post-conference adrenaline rush of ideas and inspiration still bouncing around in your brain. Mendix World 2020 set records in many ways – over 16,000 makers registered from 80+ countries, exchanging thousands of questions and game-changing ideas (and counting!).

But, the beauty of this year is that you don’t have to hop back on a plane, unpack your suitcase, and get caught up at work before you can start turning your ideas into reality. You just have to change from your night pajamas into your daytime pajamas (because we’re all just wearing pajamas these days, right?) and start tinkering, testing, and trying everything that you saw from Mendix World: Version 2.0.

Two people watching TV while wearing Snuggies.
(Real footage of me watching the Mendix World keynotes last week)

With over 40 hours of video content and four days of activity, we can’t blame you if you missed some parts. Never fear – the beauty of this virtual/digital/Jetson’s-inspired world we live in is that you didn’t really miss anything – it’s all there for you to watch and reference as you need. To help you keep exploring, we’ve rounded up some of the week’s best moments to keep that maker momentum alive!

Born to Run

For the first time ever, Derek Roos and Johan den Haan delivered their keynote presentations as a team. If you’re wondering how we fit 20 product announcements into a 50-minute video – well, don’t ask me how we did it, just take a look for yourself. Join us on the Erasmus Bridge to see:

DATA. HUB. Enable more members of your team to find, understand, and use the mountains of data that you’re sitting on, making data integration achievable for developers across skill levels and areas of domain expertise. Think: MindSphere, SAP, Teamcenter, and so much more.

Gasp – Mendix 9! Have a better user experience while you build better user experiences. Pretty meta, right? There’s almost too much good stuff so I’ll make it short and sweet. Citizen Developers can expect an upgraded Studio experience that includes access to Data Hub and the new Workflow Editor, and the ability to publish to any cloud environment. Professional developers can continue to keep rework low, with the ability to visually resolve conflicts and merge updates, take advantage of Git Support, and test out Atlas UI 3.0.

A screenshot of Slack messages from Mendix World.
And the crowd goes wiiiiild!

Industry solutions. Derek Roos talks about the incredible work of many customers this year, and to keep making their lives easier we’re launching industry solutions. After seeing common pain points of customers in manufacturing, we’re kicking things off with Mendix Field Service Management – pre-baking features like predictive maintenance and wearable connectivity into solutions to better enable your technicians and provide more proactive service in your supply chain.

Living on the edge. Industrial Edge, that is. Keep up with demand in an increasingly digital world by bringing the speed of low-code development together with the reliability of edge devices in your plant or factory floor.

Mendix for Industrial Edge announced by Rainer Brehm – CEO of Factory Automation at Siemens – quite literally on the edge of the earth.

You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet

With so many product updates and announcements we figured they were worthy of their own whole playlist. Dive deeper on these here, and take a look at some of the highlights:

  • Workflow: You asked, and we delivered! Now, professional and citizen developers can configure complex workflows in a new editor in both Studio and Studio Pro.
  • Performance Assist: Building smart apps on a smart platform just makes sense, right? The next generation of AI-assist has arrived to decrease the time and margin for error in your low-code development. Mendix can help you find the issue, suggest a solve, and learn how to fix it for you over time.
  • Marketplace: The Mendix App Store is getting a makeover! Within Marketplace, makers will be furtner enabled to leverage add-ons such as web services, APIs, and UI components to build more sophisticated apps.

Fly Like an Eagle

In a year where change has been the only constant, Mendix customers continue to work quickly to keep their citizens, customers, or employees happy with digital solutions.

Improving the lives of citizens in the United States and Europe, the cities of San Antonio and Rotterdam have been making it easier for people to do everything from apply for critical financial aid in the wake of a crisis to better find parking spaces in their city. We see how public sector customers brought domain experts into development to get their first application live all the way up to structuring their architecture to support 40+ applications.

Aerospace and defense contractor Mercury Systems and automotive manufacturer VDL Nedcar are modernizing their industrial operations. For Mercury Systems, implementing a DevSecOps philosophy has been possible by working cloud-native and leveraging Data Hub for CAD visualization. VDL Nedcar, responsible for manufacturing over 20 auto models, is combining agile with low-code to bring native mobile applications to their factory floor. This agility allowed VDL to build an application to communicate with employees while remote during COVID.

If you didn’t see these or catch all 20+ customer stories, you can still watch them here.

Hooked on a Feeling

With over 5,000 minutes of video watched last week, you can bet there were some fan favorites. The most-loved sessions of 2020 included:

  1. Workflow: The Ultimate Springboard for Intelligent Automation– Seriously, everyone was excited about workflow.
  2. The Future of Enterprise Low-Code– VP of Platform Strategy, Gordon Van Huizen, talks to Head of Global Product Marketing, Sheryl Koenigsberg, about the biggest factors shaping the low-code industry from developer droughts to the types of apps enterprises are making.
  3. Finding Treasure with Collaborative Game Design in Mendix– The team at Magnus Green made low-code even more fun with a creative gaming application.

Don’t Stop Me Now

Mendix World 2020 might be over, but there are plenty of ways to keep making. Kick things into high gear by signing up for a Mendix Academy session this September. Did we mention that courses are 20% off for all Mendix World registrants? You can use the code attached to your registration email.

If it was tough to make that 10pm live build webinar from Singapore (we’re sorry!), you can watch and work on your own native mobile scan app from the recording. In fact, all of the week’s live sessions were recorded so you don’t have to miss a beat.

Save us in your bookmarks because Mendix World sessions will be available for you to re-watch, pick apart, and reference between now and the end of the year. You can still register if you haven’t already to start catching up on all the fun.

So, goodbye, Yellow Brick Road – I mean Mendix World – we’ll see you in 2021!

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