Road to Mendix World: The Customer Impact Awards 2021 Market Impact Finalists

Mendix World is an annual celebration of the work that the low-code maker community is doing. Part of that celebration is the Customer Impact Awards, where we recognize some of the most transformative low-code work being done by Mendix customers.

As outlined by Deloitte’s Tech Trends 2020, “architecting for longevity and adaptability requires a deep understanding of both today’s realities and tomorrow’s possibilities.” Our Customer Impact Awards Market Impact Finalists have shown that they are well-positioned in their industry by creating solutions that anticipate future market problems.

With that, we are pleased to announce the finalists in our Market Impact award category. Read more about their work below, and don’t forget to register for Mendix World to find out the winners!

Market Impact Award Finalists

In 2020 you showed us some of your best work – from helping citizens access critical financial aid to ensuring safer travel for passengers – and we want to celebrate how our customers’ businesses continue to evolve and grow. From team leaders to individual contributors, the Customer Impact Awards provide a chance to reflect on the great work you’ve been doing and show the rest of the world how you are making an impact with low-code.

The submissions we received were incredible! From an organization working on clean energy transition by turning fossil-fueled homes into all-electric homes, to a waste management firm that facilitates multiple waste collection companies so that waste is collected with just one garbage truck, helping to reduce CO2 emissions and city traffic. This diversity shows how impactful our customers’ applications are to their respective markets.

Without further ado…

Introducing the Customer Impact Awards 2021 Market Impact Finalists!

IntelliHubSC Delivers a First-of-a-Kind Solution to the FMCG Industry

First up, we have IntelliHubSC, a fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry solution for supply chain compliance, serving companies like Procter & Gamble and Johnson & Johnson. Before IntelliHubSC, consumer goods companies had to either manage compliance manually or use disparate solutions that were not integrated with each other nor the company’s ERP systems. This resulted in gaps of data, non-compliance, and unnecessary risk.

Jonathan Lamb of Kinetech worked with the IntelliHubSC team to create a platform that enables brand owners to aggregate compliance data, ensuring a complete data set to ensure consumer safety. The platform adapts to changes in compliance requirements as suppliers change and new product brands are introduced. Using Mendix Workflow, Lamb and the team delivered data entry consistency and referential integrity, leading to more accurate compliance processes. IntelliHubSC’s users now have greater transparency, improved risk management, and access to supply chain data not yet available in the market. The platform has led to better alignment both within and among industry stakeholders.

Tulpenfonds Offers Disability Insurance to the Self-Employed

Next up we have Tulpenfonds based out of the Netherlands, a disability insurance provider for the self-employed. In the Netherlands, about 80% of the self-employed (1 million) are not insured in the unfortunate case of disability, presenting an incredible market opportunity.

Roy Hageman, Product Development Manager, worked with their team to build a platform that enables self-employed entrepreneurs to choose a safety net solution simply and easily for their needs. Using Tulpenfonds, users can view their transactions and pay for any outstanding payments as well as manage all Tulpenfonds products in their personalized environment. The application can be used securely by multiple user roles, including customers, internal employees, functional administrators, consultants, partners, and even medical advisors, all within the same platform.

WRSTBND Provides New Technology to Event Organizers

Finally, we have WRSTBND, a full-service technology partner for small and large-scale events based in the United States. Events of all sizes require sophisticated planning for managing attendees and their experience.

Conway Solomon, Co-Founder and CEO of WRSTBND, recognized this market opportunity. Working with his team, they developed a solution that combines hardware and software to make it easy for clients to manage events. WRSTBND’s customers now have centralized management of access control, ticketing, and credentials. Their attendees receive customizable push notifications depending on the event and can even use other wearable devices (such as a smartwatch) in place of their phones for ticketing. Events using their technology now have increased security because the digital tickets are NFC-encrypted. New data on attendee behavior is available to help inform future event planning.

Congratulations to the Customer Impact Awards 2021 Market Impact Finalists!

Don’t forget to register for Mendix world using the link below to find out who will be crowned champion. We hope to see you there!

This blog post is part of a series. Be sure to check out the other Customer Impact Award finalists to see the incredible work our customers are doing: