Feedback For All: feedback button works on any website

We’ve been advocating the Mendix feedback mechanism heavily ever since the release of Mendix 3.0 in 2011. We knew it was the missing link between people using apps and people making apps.

You probably know what it is and how easily it aligns your apps with the ever changing needs of business people, but so far the Mendix feedback loop has only been available to those of us with both a Sprintr account and an app running in the Mendix Cloud. With the latest update of Sprintr, you can implement the Feedback Widget into your company´s website as well to find out directly from visitors what they think of your site.

Here’s what to do to fix the glitches in your site within five minutes:

  1. Get a Mendix account if you haven’t already
  2. Paste a little code snippet in your head tag (like you -or your webmaster- did for Google Analytics)
  3. Put the ID of a specific ‘website’ sprintr project into the code
  4. Tweak the code: You can tweak the code to enable attachments, detect usernames and many more options to collect the tightest metadata possible

I’ll bet the minute you start using the widget you will get suggestions for improvements you could never think about for yourself. We use it for as well and within days we had great input…

  • “Where can I find the Mendix Whitepaper” (so we made it very apparent on the product page now)
  • “Your email states the event is on date X, while the site states the event is on date Y.”
  • “Just finished watching the video on SAP integration, do you have one like that for Microsoft Dynamics?”

The feedback widget makes Sprintr different than any other project management tool out there. For the first time, you and your end users can collaborate in real time through your website or application.

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