Enexis Groep Wins Best Enterprise IT Project of the Year by Computable

The potential of low-code application development comes to life when a business challenge is overcome with the use of technology. Organizations around the world are turning to low-code application development to improve customer experiences, increase operational efficiency, launch new digital products and update legacy systems.

We’re pleased to share that our customer Enexis Groep, one of the leading energy providers in The Netherlands, has been recognized for their work in developing and deploying enterprise applications that solve critical business challenges.

Enexis Groep has been awarded the Best Enterprise IT Project at the 12th annual Computable Awards, which recognize the most prominent technology companies, projects and individuals in the Netherlands.

Why Enexis Groep Was Named the Winner – Insights into the Project

Since 2015, Enexis has built more than 50 applications using the Mendix development platform.

To achieve this level of scale, Enexis built an agile capability that is making it easier for IT and business to collaborate and co-create applications.

“The collaboration between IT and business departments has improved tremendously. With departments like INFRA, Customer & Market, Finance and HR, we have developed apps in co-creation,” said Ben Bruggeman who is responsible for application development at Enexis Groep.

There are multiple teams, or App Factories, working in Mendix to deliver projects 20 times faster than they were able to do before.

In addition, every quarter Enexis hosts a training session for 12 people from the business to continue to expand their rapid application development capability.

“Mendix enables fast and custom development of dynamic and process-driven enterprise applications. The close collaboration with Mendix, as Dutch company originally from Rotterdam, has contributed significantly to this great result,” shared Jeroen Sanders, Director at Enexis Groep.

Solving a Business Challenge

To get a sense of how the process works, consider the following project example.

Enexis has a large, dispersed team of crew members who spend time in the field addressing maintenance requests and performing routine quality checks on equipment sites.  In the past, routine quality checks would require a crew member to go out to a site, check the equipment and then come back.

However, the team realized that this was taking extra time when they were already fielding maintenance requests from customers and may be close to a site and could double their productivity on their trips.

The team decided to develop an app for that! It took the team twelve weeks to build the application which was unprecedentedly fast.

The application consolidates all of the upcoming routine quality checks with locations, and will send push notifications to a crew member if they are close to a site that is due for a routine check. Now, crew members can maximize their trips into the field.

Sustaining Success

As a result of this application, the team has avoided having to perform a majority of routine maintenance trips as they were eliminated because crew members could perform those while on requested service calls.

This project success is one of the many motivators behind Mendix. We’re excited when an organization embraces low-code application development that turns both IT and business teams into enablers of change, efficiency and innovation within their organizations.


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