App Lifecycle

Mendix is the only high-productivity application platform (hpaPaaS) for low-code app development that provides a comprehensive and integrated set of tools and services for managing the entire app lifecycle. From ideation and development through deployment, maintenance, and analytics, the Mendix Platform supports capabilities like social collaboration, Agile requirements management, one-click deployment, application governance tools, and end-user feedback loops. This seamless support eliminates the traditional bottlenecks, costs, and risks associated with the delivery of apps while increasing quality and providing a better development experience for other stakeholders involved in the app lifecycle.

Read on in the chapters below to discover exactly how Mendix supports the entire application lifecycle.

  • Requirements

    The value of collaboration is strengthened through the Mendix Platform’s support for Agile requirements management. Learn about the Agile tools built into Mendix that will help you to manage your projects and teams effectively from day one.

    Featured Questions:

    • Why Is Requirements Management Integrated in Mendix?
    • How Does Mendix Support Requirements Management?
    • How Does Mendix Support Feedback Management?
  • Developing in Mendix

    Mendix is designed for a variety of users while providing powerful capabilities to developers for their day-to-day work. Understand how the platform enables you to build quickly with visual development tools and reuse dynamic app components.

    Featured Questions:

    • How Does Mendix Enable Model-Driven Development?
    • How Does Mendix Support Different Developer Profiles?
    • How Does Mendix Support Multi-User Development?
  • DevOps

    Mendix provides DevOps tools out of the box for CI/CD, test automation, and monitoring, among other services. Read how with the Mendix Platform’s DevOps capabilities, you will be able to bring together development, testing, and operations to build and release the applications your business needs.

    Featured Questions:

    • How Does Mendix Support DevOps?
    • How Does Mendix Support Continuous Integration & Delivery (CI/CD)?
    • What Mendix Tools Are Available for Test Automation & Quality Assurance?
  • Deployment

    Mendix provides all the cloud deployment options you need and is fully optimized for compatibility with the latest cloud platforms and technologies. Running and deploying your Mendix app is easy, fast, and flexible. Read more about why cloud technology is at the core of the Mendix Platform.