Cloud Computing


A method of storing, maintaining, and distributing digital resources remotely rather than on-premises; material that is accessed through the internet. While it doesn’t mean the data is up in the sky. In fact, every item stored in “the cloud” does have a physical location somewhere on a server at a data center. Fun fact: that’s why this “cloud” is subject to extreme weather conditions just like any other. It is crucial for data centers to be protected from storms or flooding or other severe conditions.

What is cloud computing in a simple sentence?

Cloud computing is the storage of files, data, and other computational resources to be accessed over the internet rather than a network on-site.

What is an example of cloud computing?

AWS is the most widely used cloud service.

What are some advantages of cloud computing?

The main advantage is flexibility and scale. By leveraging a cloud service, you can adjust your data footprint depending on your needs at the moment.

What are the three challenges of cloud computing?

The key challenges of cloud computing are in areas of security, privacy, and compliance. That’s why it is crucial to work with a trusted cloud provider.

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