Low-Code Value Handbook
Download the “Low-Code Value Handbook” and you’ll get Mendix’s framework on how to define, calculate and articulate business value you create with low-code development.
Make application development a team sport and transform how you do business — digitally.
Explore the platformWith Mendix’s built-in development guardrails and advanced security controls (including HIPAA compliance), professional and novice developers can collaborate to build cloud-native, multi-experience applications in our low-code platform.
By increasing the pace to deliver business solutions across organizational domains and systems, Mendix helps life science companies:
In times of unprecedented challenges and accelerated innovations, life science industry manufacturers must meet unexpected demand and retooling required to produce products, connecting enterprise systems and ecosystem processes within the supply chain.
Mendix empowers life science companies to bring composability into the enterprise application strategy DNA to deliver automated, cross-domain collaboration — from supply and supplier management to asset maintenance and warehouse controls, to product planning and release processes — all while keeping core validated systems clean (e.g., SAP, Siemens Xcelerator portfolio such as Teamcenter, Opcenter).
This enables manufacturers to:
Innovative technologies strengthen the digital threads that secure and leverage data access and process automation. To create value on top of this, life science companies are accelerating their digital transformation efforts into advanced engagement models with products, providers, physicians and patient domains.
Study trial management and new product introduction, patient and physician engagement, care coordination, cooperative public health services, remote device monitoring and wearables interaction are some ways life sciences companies improve patient outcomes.
Mendix clients address the spectrum of Digital Health and Connected Care use cases and does so by assembling new insights from data sources to deliver:
Competitive pressures force life sciences companies to innovate faster. As such, organizations must adopt dynamic go-to-market approaches that address solution readiness, regulatory approvals, and sales and marketing efficiency.
With Mendix, you can build applications that span the spectrum of release readiness, field inventory management and device registration tracking and warranty, field sales and services, return materials acceptance and more.
This breadth opens new possibilities in go-to-market approaches to help manufacturers:
Industry dynamics, evolving regulations, and supply chain disruptions introduce risks to life science companies. This creates a need for continuous improvement in regulatory and quality processes.
Mendix enables the intelligent workflow automation and enhanced engagement experiences that solve and evolve these issues quickly. Life sciences firms can:
Learn more about the Mendix-powered Regulatory Information Management System.
Learn more about the role of Low-code in Quality Management SystemsFind out how Medtronic successfully implemented a new automated process to ensure regulatory requirements are met before shipping medical devices.
Read the storyFind out how AntTail has a 98% success rate at tracking and notifying patients, ensuring the patient stores their medicine at proper temperatures with full transparency and ensures quality of medicines through IoT.
Read the storyFind out how Saga built SACHA, a caregiver-to-patient tool, automatically scheduling caregivers to patients increasing scheduling efficiency by 10x.
Read the storyDownload the “Low-Code Value Handbook” and you’ll get Mendix’s framework on how to define, calculate and articulate business value you create with low-code development.
This ebook is the culmination of 17 years of experience helping 1,600+ customers transform their businesses through low-code application development.
Download the Gartner Magic Quadrant to gain a deeper understanding of the fast-growing low-code market and which vendors best align with your organization’s needs.