Where to Next? Exploring GenAI's Disruption on Software Development

On-demand webinar (33 minutes)

GenerativeAI (GenAI) has upended enterprise software development and delivery for the Enterprise. While it remains relatively immature, the maturity arc will arrive sooner than you may think. What does it mean for SDLC? What parts are likely going away in the 3, 5, or 10+ year outlooks?

Leading AI analyst, Diego Lo Giudice, VP Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, joins us to explore:

  • the impact of GenAI
  • how to apply it to your environment today and think about it for your tomorrow
  • what it will mean for the entire spectrum of developers
  • why the build vs. buy decision scale has drastically shifted towards custom-build


Available in these languages: English

GenerativeAI (GenAI) has upended enterprise software development and delivery for the Enterprise. While it remains relatively immature, the maturity arc will arrive sooner than you may think. What does it mean for SDLC? What parts are likely going away in the 3, 5, or 10+ year outlooks?

Leading AI analyst, Diego Lo Giudice, VP Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, joins us to explore:

  • the impact of GenAI
  • how to apply it to your environment today and think about it for your tomorrow
  • what it will mean for the entire spectrum of developers
  • why the build vs. buy decision scale has drastically shifted towards custom-build

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