Upgrade Your Apps to the Latest Version of Mendix

How to plan and prioritize your next Mendix upgrade 

Upgrades can be a challenge when it comes to resourcing and portfolio management. What can be more challenging is what happens when you don’t upgrade. Security and performance issues can crop up and you risk the benefit of staying current with technology.  

Learn how to plan for your next Mendix upgrade. Don’t miss out. Come see our panel of experts talk through: 

  • The value of upgrading and the risks of not 
  • Best practices for managers
  • Upgrade milestones  
  • Advocating for upgrade resources 



    How to plan and prioritize your next Mendix upgrade 

    Upgrades can be a challenge when it comes to resourcing and portfolio management. What can be more challenging is what happens when you don’t upgrade. Security and performance issues can crop up and you risk the benefit of staying current with technology.  

    Learn how to plan for your next Mendix upgrade. Don’t miss out. Come see our panel of experts talk through: 

    • The value of upgrading and the risks of not 
    • Best practices for managers
    • Upgrade milestones  
    • Advocating for upgrade resources