Quality Assurance

Application Monitoring
for Optimal Performance

Build quality solutions that adhere to the highest enterprise security standards with proactive quality monitoring and real-time performance management.

Prevent the threat of technical debt

According to Gartner, one of the top four mistakes organizations make when implementing bimodal IT is failing to maintain a disciplined focus on refactoring and managing technical debt. With Mendix, you can avoid the maintenance nightmare and still move with agility.

Quality & Security Management (QSM)

Improve application quality and security

Poor-quality applications lead to unnecessarily high costs for patches and new features, and increase maintenance costs. Additionally, the number of cyber-attacks grows every day, so it is critical for organizations to keep security top of mind and to monitor build quality and security continuously. 

Mendix Quality & Security Management (QSM) provides comprehensive scanning for the entire application landscape. Reduce technical debt and proactively manage quality and security, ensuring faster issue resolution and time to market.

Learn more about QSM

Ensure apps meet the highest quality level

Technical debt slows down development, especially as applications grow older. However, fixing this technical debt takes time and is expensive. Rather than refactoring in retrospect, create highly maintainable applications from the very early stages of development. 

QSM provides a centralized overview of how maintainable your application landscape is with a risk profile and prioritizes suggestions for remediation. QSM empowers you to see which applications pose the most risk judged according to the ISO 25010 standard for software quality to ensure excellent software quality.

Reduce security risk across your app landscape

Compromising on security is never an option, but ensuring applications meet the right compliance levels takes time and effort. 

QSM provides clear and actionable insights into security vulnerabilities, prioritizes issues, and presents them to you clearly, depending on which security standards are essential – including OWASP, PCI, or ISO standards. Static code analysis is based on the best-in-class security tooling developed in close collaboration between Mendix and SIG.

Partnered with SIG, a leader in software quality insights

Mendix partners with Software Improvement Group (SIG), a leading and independent software quality and improvement advisory firm specializing in both traditional and AI software quality assurance, empowering businesses and governments worldwide to drive success with reliable and robust IT systems. SIG has more than 15 years of experience applying the ISO 25010 standard and has built the world’s largest benchmark database of over 200 billion lines of code across more than 18,000 systems in 300+ technologies to mathematical engines to measure software maintainability based on this standard. 

Both Mendix and SIG adhere to the highest information security standards. Mendix has obtained ISAE 3402 Type II and SOC 1 Type II assurance reports, and SIG’s services are ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified.