Deliver Delight: Why Native Mobile Matters

Users are unforgiving when it comes to their mobile experiences—85% of people are unlikely to do business with a company following a bad mobile experience. Can you afford to not be delivering true native mobile apps?

  • Transcript

    Hello and welcome to low code and 30

    I’m Jeff Goldberg, part of the evangelist

    team at Bendix.

    In this webinar, we’re going to discuss

    native mobile applications

    and why they’re key to enhancing

    your employees work experience

    and how men dicks eases native

    mobile app development

    so you can accelerate your business

    Loco and 30 is a monthly webinar, Siri’s

    dedicated to educating business, and

    I t on the benefits of low

    code application development.

    You may watch any of our previous webinars

    on the medics YouTube channel

    or visit www

    dot mend IX dot com.

    Ford slash demos.

    We’ve covered a range of topics over

    the past year, including citizen Development,

    I ot

    Dev ops

    Aye, aye and machine learning

    as well as multi experience platforms

    of which will drill into a bit further today

    with our discussion on Native Mobile.

    Today, our journey begins on the topic

    of experience.

    Customer experience. To be more specific

    from there, will travel into the mobile

    application development world and

    learn about the different options available

    and why men dicks low code approach

    to native mobile development

    is a customer experience game changer,

    then a first for low code and 30

    I’ll be joined by Yost Landman

    from Rob a bank, and we’ll talk about

    robbing banks, journey with Bendix and the

    experience his team is having making

    native Mobile applications with Bendix.

    In one of my past jobs,

    I had the pleasure of working for a

    restaurant chain of bakery cafes

    who made it a point

    to make the experience of going

    to their stores feel like entering

    an everyday oasis.

    What this meant, of course, is that when a customer

    walks into a store,

    ah, warmth swirls around them

    along with the smell of fresh baked

    goods, making them feel

    like they’re part of a community

    and in a place where they can relax

    from the stresses of the day.

    Back in the early two thousands,

    this concept of customer experience

    it existed.

    But it wasn’t as in your face as it is


    When you look around

    customer experiences in something as

    small as the design on top of a cappuccino,

    the efficiency for which we can transact


    the memories made fresh again through nostalgia

    to the wonder the world of virtual reality

    conjures to life

    in 2018

    customer experiences with your brand

    started with an interaction on

    a mobile phone

    more than 50% of the time.

    Well, that may be via a website.

    Once the customer is engaged,

    they expect the more refined

    experience, a dedicated mobile

    app that’s interactive and fluid,

    ready to make their life easier.

    The goal here for the APP maker is stickiness,

    and it’s in these first touch points where

    customer perceptions are cemented

    and become very difficult to change

    over time.

    In fact, in a recent poll,

    almost 85% of respondents

    stated that they are unlikely

    to repeat engaging with companies

    offering a poor mobile experience.

    And over 30% of those respondents

    stated they would tell others

    about the negative experience.

    With network effects like that, it’s clear

    customer experience is a key differentiator

    for the success of brands.

    At this point, you may be saying,

    so what? Who cares?

    We won’t sell directly to external customers.

    Customer experience is for someone else

    to worry about.


    that’s fair.

    But what about your internal customers?

    Your employees,

    your employees are customers of lift,






    and many more brands they see

    every day on their mobile phones.

    These companies are raising the stakes for

    success in the marketplace because they

    obsessively focus on customer



    your employees expect better

    customer experiences from the Alps,

    the use for work

    and when they have to do things manually

    or log into multiple systems to see

    despair, it data

    it impacts their engagement

    with your company

    and with your customers.

    I’ll give you an example that serves as a

    great transition into the native mobile

    part of our conversation today.


    some of my colleagues were riding up the elevator

    to our office.

    They were standing next to a field service

    worker delivering packages

    to the offices in the building.

    She had three

    yes, three mobile devices in

    her hands,

    all of them necessary for her to do

    her job.


    she said that her job required

    data from each one of the


    And while headquarters can see the

    data from all three

    in one interface,

    she’s left toe eyeball

    data from one

    device to the other

    and try to correlate the correct information


    to where she’s going

    and what she’s delivery.

    Part of this may be due

    thio each device having a special attachment

    like some sort of scanner

    or a special app that’s designed

    for a specific purpose.


    the friction created from this user


    this internal customer experience

    has a negative effect from end

    to end on the experience chain.

    This is where low code and native mobile

    come together and solve this problem,

    propelling customer experience from the reactive

    to the proactive.

    Regarding mobile application development,

    there are a lot of flavors to choose

    from for creating, developing

    in making


    But four

    different styles stand out today

    as the main types

    of applications that a developer

    or anyone can create.

    Native mobile applications, sometimes

    called pure native mobile,

    are developed using traditional coding languages.

    Objective C and Swift for IOS

    and Java and Conklin for Android.

    Pure native mobile applications offer superior

    performance and the tightest integration

    with device capabilities

    because the languages are optimized

    for the operating systems.

    The tradeoff is that the pure native

    application development

    isn’t cross platform,

    so you have to maintain two separate code bases,

    often using separate development teams.

    Puree native is expensive because

    it takes more time, resource is

    and specialized skills

    to build and maintain

    hybrid applications are more like a website

    for mobile than a true app.

    they use HTML, CSS and

    JavaScript to create an experience

    wrapped in what is called a Web. You

    tow work on mobile devices

    and be packaged for APP store distribution.

    Hybrid applications, Air Cross platform

    using frameworks like Cordova and

    Phone Gap. To wrap the application and

    provide access to device capabilities,

    hybrid APS take less time to make

    and maintain

    impure native APS.


    developer efficiency gains result

    in subpar user experience.

    In addition, the rise of progressive

    Web, APS and React native

    are demonstrating that Cordova and Phone

    Gap are showing their age and

    waning support among the community.

    Progressive Web APS are an advancement on

    the hybrid approach. However. They’re

    designed to run in standard Internet

    browsers like Chrome,

    which makes them cross platform.

    Progressive Web APS aimed to deliver an

    experience similar to a native app,

    using service workers connecting the

    APP to device capabilities.

    P W ays deliver a smooth

    user experience and work even

    when end users aren’t proud Sing.

    Because of these service workers,

    PW ways aren’t without trade offs

    because they aren’t native code.

    They drain the battery faster.

    In addition, while P W ays

    offer access to device capabilities,

    it’s inconsistent and dozen support

    all the features. Native APS do

    react. Native is a job, a script library

    that makes it possible to create mobile

    applications that are nearly indistinguishable

    from native applications. Made

    using Objective C or Java.

    It’s directly native, which means react

    native ties directly into

    native code, toe access, OS styling

    and device capabilities.

    Because it’s JavaScript

    reactive, it’s cross platform

    development is faster and less expensive,

    and there are many more developers with JavaScript

    skills than pure need of


    Standing up a react Native project is

    challenging because the library itself doesn’t

    have Dev ops built into it.

    While of react. Native has a large and diverse

    ecosystem of components and native

    device integrations.

    Getting into the native code may be necessary

    from time to time

    if what is needed has not been done


    So I’ve been talking a lot about the different types


    frameworks and technologies you can

    use to make mobile applications.

    But what does that have to do with men? Dicks?

    Well, medics being a low code

    application development platform and

    a general purpose one at that

    actually gives you the possibility to


    a number of these different types of

    mobile applications in one

    project from a single Kobe’s.

    So with men dicks, it’s possible to make

    hybrid applications,

    progressive Web applications

    and now native mobile

    applications, all from

    the same code base.

    How is this possible?

    Well, because men Dicks takes a model

    driven approach

    toe application development. It enables

    the platform to abstract

    away the complexities of using


    different mobile application

    development technologies.

    As a result,

    the developer experience is the same

    regardless of what type of mobile application

    you wish to make.


    because men dicks is extensible,

    developers are empowered

    toe add capabilities using

    code. So using Java script

    in this case,

    or Java,

    which then become reusable dragon

    drop widgets and actions that

    the rest of the development team can take

    advantage of

    At medics, we chose to

    integrate react native into the

    low code development experience that

    we pioneered

    because we recognize hybrid APS

    do not meet the consumer grade


    and users expect from

    their enterprise applications.

    React. Native

    has a very high regard

    in the tech community, with over 10,000

    contributors on get Hub

    and has backing from brands like Facebook,

    the originators of the framework,


    over and many more


    The benefits of bringing men dicks, low

    code development capabilities together

    with react natives, Native

    Mobile application development capabilities

    is that

    you get all the benefits of react

    native. In addition to that,

    you get all of the Dev ops

    that men dicks brings to bear out of the box.

    So all of that hard scaffolding

    of new projects for react native


    that goes away it’s a simple is just

    creating a new app and boom,

    you’re right in the environment and your building.

    That visual development

    with Paige templates, building blocks

    and snippets increases

    the front end development efficiency

    so that you can reuse different

    front end elements over and over

    again. And you can

    easily style and chase us, and I’ll

    talk about that in a moment.

    Do you reuse and share model

    and control aspects of a nap with

    other channels

    in the same project?

    So let’s say you’re building a responsive Web


    along with a new application

    that has hybrid


    In addition to that, you can add native

    Mobile right in the same project and

    use the same domain model and use

    the same micro flows and functions

    to provide

    the appropriate user experience for

    the appropriate channel that

    the application is intended for.

    It’s easy to customize the properties

    for the widgets

    and the front and elements in the development

    experience because they’re all built

    with react.

    And that’s the great thing, because you get to take

    advantage of react natives extensive


    of components through mend explicable

    widgets and JavaScript action capabilities.

    So if there’s a react which it you like to

    use, you can drop that in and start

    using it and create a reasonable component.


    this combination of low code

    and react native together

    gives you the ability

    to spend more time focusing on solving the


    and enhancing the user and customer


    than spending time writing code,

    because that low code


    enables you to move faster

    and build that seem

    high quality output.

    So what we’ve accomplished at Bendix is an

    abstracted cross platform


    to delivering native mobile applications

    faster than traditional coating

    at a lower total cost

    without sacrificing quality

    in the output.

    Recently, I had the opportunity to

    collaborate on an application with my team.

    At first I was skeptical of what

    I’d be able to achieve, creating native

    pages and taking advantage of device


    What I found is that the developer experience

    is identical to building any other

    kind of medics application.

    It was really cool to be ableto add barcode

    scanning to the AP,

    sets in properties for styling in data

    can activity and then see the APP

    refresh happened over the air instantly

    and start using the capability

    that I just

    added to this application.

    I understand this sounds a bit self serving

    because I worked for medics.

    So let’s talk to a customer and learn

    more about their experience using

    medics to build native mobile


    Today, I’m joined by Yost Landman

    from Rob a bank. Yost is a business

    architect using medics to build native

    mobile applications.

    Yost Thanks for being with us for low code

    and 30

    Thank you for inviting me. Great to be here.

    You tell our viewers a little bit about

    rob a bank and what it is that you do for the company.

    OK, Rob a bank is

    one of the three large banks

    in the Netherlands. Domestically, it’s focuses

    on retail banking, but internationally

    it’s primarily focused on

    banking for food, and this means we

    finance food and agriculture business

    and in that international area. My role

    as ah this is architect is to drive

    the architect You’re efficient and road map in

    both the domain of financing


    and the domain of what we call

    international direct banking. And

    that’s all about online retail savings.

    Rabobank has been amended customer

    for a few years now. Can

    you tell me a little bit? Why

    rob a bank chose medics to develop

    applications a few years ago

    in this Ah, this area of online

    retail savings.

    We were going through a transformation

    for ah well, Rabobank, Belgium

    and hobble direct in Germany. Because

    over the years those banks have grown into,

    ah, situation

    where we had expensive beckoned systems

    at an online banking channel that was

    difficult and slow to change.

    This costs our savings money

    so that the savings that we gathered

    from retail customers

    to be quite expensive on.

    At the same time, the customer experience

    in that Web channel was liking behind

    compared to the competition.

    So we have decided Thio

    well, basically redesigned the complete I D

    landscape and

    for the online banking general, we chose

    to build it in such a way that would be

    faster change and at the same time, relatively

    low cost

    on the solution. We, ah, we found,

    was a combination of

    just a basic

    off the shelf web content management


    For all the static content in

    the Web channel

    with a no coat application

    platform to build all the interaction components

    on that no coats


    the one we chose was medics

    because it ah, for us it stood out

    from its competition

    in ah, user

    interferes design and in beckoned


    So that’s how we, uh, came in contact with

    men dicks. And you have I

    remember hearing you spoke it. Ah,

    use book, a medics world. And I remember

    he’s starting off your presentation.

    You said



    using our

    medics built, swept, gentle

    for online banking. Yes. So

    now you’re making native mobile


    with medics. And

    can you tell me a little bit about

    these mobile absent your building

    and the problems that they saw off?

    Yes. We’re gonna be building ah

    mobile labs for ah again Kabul,

    Bank Belgium, and have a direct in Germany.

    And, um,

    a couple of years ago, we actually had ah

    mobile app for, ah,

    aisles and Androids,

    but it just proved too expensive

    to maintain and to

    keep improving it.

    This is a fairly small team and

    there is a real cost pressure.

    So now, in order to

    at the same time keep the cost low,

    but also the customer experience high.

    We, um,

    wants to build our mobile app

    in the same technology as a Web channel

    so we can have the same team building

    and maintaining it

    on dhe and also so we can share

    of the technical components between the Web

    Channel and the mobile F General.

    We really wanted to build this mobile

    app with medics

    with the IOS and android app. So you have to maintain

    those separately and with a small

    team that becomes really difficult to do that.

    And one of the things

    with building the maid Native mobile

    app with Bendix is you get that cross

    platform capabilities that react native

    brings to the table so you can build

    once and basically deployed to two

    both operating systems. Is

    there something special about the native

    app versus going with a hybrid

    or with the progressive Web application

    that made you choose the native

    path versus some other options

    that you have in mobile application development.

    Yeah, we actually tried to build

    ah hybrid at first,

    So we tried to ah, drives

    the harbor bath initially,

    and ah,

    I have to tell you building and maintaining

    a mobile app that offers a

    good experience in the first

    place. But it’s also very

    secure, as you would expect for a bank is

    actually not that easy.

    And in our small team, we can’t

    have a lot of security

    expert. He’s on the floor. So we decided

    to use it off the shelf, authentication

    on basically security as decayed to give

    us a head start in that area

    and build a proof of concept integrating

    that security solution that has its

    own native screens for

    things like Logan and transaction signing. And we

    try to integrate that with ah, hybrid

    app built with Mannix.

    We got it working perfectly fine in the

    end, but

    well, we

    we realized while evaluating

    that technical skills that we would need

    to maintain this would be our

    to facilitating, is in a small development

    team because we will. We actually needed quite

    a few different technical skills


    integrate the

    native part with the hybrid part,

    So he uses X Ken and switch

    from, Ah, hybrid screen doing native scream

    and back

    and, uh, come back in

    the right context.

    Right? And at the same time, we realized it’s well,

    as you know, building hybrid app.

    User experience will be,

    well, average at best.

    We just didn’t want to settle for that

    exactly that moment


    were in contact with mandates. A

    ll the time, of course. But they they

    recognized it and offered

    this Ah, back then, brand new

    and still beta feature of react


    on dhe. Well, that seemed to actually solve both

    the skills issue for us as well as that

    user experience issue.

    Perfect match.

    What’s their experience been like so far

    developing native Mobile with

    Bendix? What? What’s that been

    like and what they like about it?

    Well, the team tells me, um,

    that these modeling environments in

    Mannix ate it works like a charm. It’s ah,

    it was fully stable. Said it couldn’t actually build

    the features they

    they want to build in the sprint, and it works a

    nice and and also there. Ah,

    really excited. How are manic state?

    Makes it easy to write their ah,

    custom widgets to integrates with

    any react native libraries.

    That’s just amazing.

    I’ve I’ve been working

    with it now for the past

    few weeks in the preparation for

    this webinar and as

    someone who’s

    not a traditional developer

    but someone who’s learned to develop

    software over the years. I was

    just blown away by

    how easy the modeling environment

    makes it for you to be able

    to create these consumer great experiences

    and then go ahead

    and test them out and and see

    the result of that

    in such a short period of time. It’s just

    it’s just a great experience. I imagine your team

    feels very simple, amazing, with the basic

    understanding of how I D developments


    that you actually able to do so much more

    with Bendix.

    It helps you doing the

    things that’s that

    before we’re only it

    could only be done by by

    experience. Development,

    yes, and in the platform basically

    helps them through the complete lifecycle

    management as well,

    so they can basically focus on delivering

    functionality instead of on

    on all the technical things that they

    also have to do in

    in other circumstances.

    Yeah, I’m also impressed You know, we’re

    now three releases into

    the general availability

    of the native mobile capabilities,

    and the R and D team and the

    products team are batting new functionality

    every month to the capability. I imagine

    your team is always watching

    what’s new coming out that they be ableto

    take advantage of in these Absent their building.

    Yeah, absolutely, absolutely

    well, Yost it’s great to hear

    that things are going so well for

    you at Rabobank and

    the progress that you’re making using

    Native Mobile and that it’s able to do

    the things that you needed to be able

    to do, especially with Bendix, to solve

    the problems that you have and also

    provide these consumer grade opportunities

    to customers.

    So thanks so much for your time and for joining

    us today. Thank

    you for having me

    to recap were all being trained

    to expect a frictionless customer

    experience from all of the channels

    companies and employers engage

    with us.

    The smartphone is a main driver

    for capturing more of our mind share,

    and it’s because makers of the apse


    that users will interact with them or

    if the experience reduces friction

    and makes their lives easier.

    That’s why I’m Index gives you freedom

    to choose what kind of experience you

    want to deliver to your customers.

    The platform enables you to make hybrid

    P W A and native mobile

    applications, all from the same code

    base, so it becomes a business

    decision which technology you want to use

    to make your mobile application.

    What’s great is that there is this great

    reusability across all three

    mobile app types.

    So as your needs change men, Dicks

    makes it possible to reuse and adapt

    what you have

    to make your applications.

    As Yost Land been stated,

    Rob, a bank chose medics because

    it’s team can move fast, keep

    costs low and deliver

    a great customer experience all

    at the same time.

    In addition, his team enjoys the

    medics developer experience because it

    gives them the flexibility to model

    new features and extend their applications

    using the latest and greatest technologies.

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