Implementing a Supply Chain Standard with SOAP and REST

For a client wanting to trace product lifecycle events throughout the supply chain, Capgemini was asked to implement GS1’s Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS) communication standard in Mendix. Since EPCIS describes functionality using both REST and SOAP protocols, both were investigated; the aim of this talk is to outline the strengths and some limitations of the Mendix platform when it comes to implementing a server-client communication standard using either REST or SOAP.
In this Art of the Possible, learn:
  • about GS1’s EPCIS communication standard: messages, protocols and more
  • how to deal with strict interface standards using the flexibility of Mendix REST services
  • about the great reusability of Mendix SOAP services with both consumed and published services
  • how to tackle common problems in REST/JSON and SOAP/XML, such as inheritance and parsing, XML/JSON validation, request/response headers and bodies


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