Low-Code in 30 Webinar: Leveraging IoT to Improve Decision Making

Over the last few years, IoT has evolved from a buzzword into reality. Many organizations who are investing in IoT realize the benefits of a connected world, but what does it truly mean to be connected? In order to realize the value of IoT, we need to create connected experiences that leverage historical and real time data.

  • Transcript

    Hello. Welcome to low code in 30.

    My name is Simon Black, and I’m a platform evangelist

    here at Mendix.

    In today’s low code in 30 we will be

    leveraging Iot to improve decision

    making in

    today’s weapon are well. First, take a look at the

    local and thirties that you might have missed previously.

    We’ll take a look out Min Dex as

    a loco platform.

    Well, then address. What is I ot

    at the use cases that can be

    built using I ity platforms

    on the difference between those different

    types of coyote with their industrial

    I ot over their traditional

    I ot

    and finally would showcase endeavor off

    the medics platform.

    Leveraging AWS I ot at

    the Seamen’s Monty a platform.

    If this is your first time joining us for

    located 30 then welcome.

    But these local and thirties have been running over

    the last few months. We’ve covered a

    range of topics.

    All of these could be found on the mend nets dot

    com slash Denver section

    or on our YouTube channel,

    so make sure you subscribe so you can get

    all the latest updates and information

    about the medics platform.

    For those of you that are new to mend

    ex. I just want to give you a high level overview

    of what the medics platform is.

    The medics platform is really trying to


    all types of makers within your organization.

    And when we talk about maker, Maker could

    be someone that’s from the business building a spreadsheet

    through to a traditional developer

    who’s building applications using code.

    We allow them to collaborate a developed

    together using our platform.

    And we have different ideas to support

    those different types. Developers

    we have to mend a studio focused out

    our traditional business developers,

    and we have the medic studio pro

    focused at our developers

    in organization, who might want to write

    code in extensions and integration


    on. By combining both of these two types

    of developers on being up to collaborate

    with both the business and I t.

    We’re able to build applications 6 to 10

    times faster

    than you would do traditionally using

    traditional code.

    And if you want more information on Vendex,

    then you can check out one of our previous webinars

    will be going to more detail about how

    the platform addresses this development


    If we take a look at i o t

    ot has been on a tremendous

    growth over the last few years,

    and it’s a topic that’s very close to my heart.

    I’ve covered a number of weaponized focusing

    on my index and I ity

    and back in 2017 when I first did my

    first Iet weapon are

    I o. T. Was more of a buzzword.

    People were thinking about using

    I ity,

    and we’re starting to experiment with what

    the possibilities could be when adopting


    Over the last few years, we’ve seen this


    coming to realization,

    and people are building their

    core capabilities around

    Internet of things,

    of building it so that they can compete against


    and allowing them to make smarter decisions

    within their organization.

    And this is shown by the growth

    in I ity. In terms of the numbers

    we’ve seen this year, 26,000,000,000 devices

    being connected up to the I T

    and this is expected to grow to 75,000,000,000

    connected devices by 2025

    on everything from your health

    care provider through to your car

    will be connected into the Internet.


    is therefore important. It’s that

    you adopt this critical capability

    and build new experiences

    for your customers utilizing this


    and I just want to highlight four customer use

    cases here.

    These are all

    applications built using the Mendez platform

    that leverage I ot to enable

    them to compete on label them to bring

    new offerings to the market.

    The 1st 1 is Horta lox

    on whole talks is a lightbulb company

    that provide light bulbs to greenhouses,

    and what they saw in the market was that they were being out

    competed and outsold

    by cheaper try these brands.

    So in order to enable them to differentiate

    from their competitors,

    they built this platform on Bendix

    that leverages aws I ot

    to track the performance off their

    light bombs.

    And if a light bulb is going down

    in performance,

    they can get early warnings and notifications

    on allow them to then change those lightbulbs

    within the greenhouse,

    being able to give added value

    to their customers rather than just

    providing the lightbulbs itself.

    We then have lift insight who

    utilize io ti to track

    the performance off their lifts on

    enable them to predict when

    they need to, actually before maintenance,

    so they use the data from the ire to platform

    along with machine learning

    to allow them to create early warnings

    and predictions for certain maintenance

    so they can send their engineers to those lifts

    and fix them before the issue occurs.

    We then have Otto

    and also has

    created their organization around

    being able to perform analytics

    on how above building is currently

    performing or an office,

    and now enabling their customers to get

    insights into how much occupancy

    they have.

    How much temperature is being used,

    or energy being used within each of the rooms

    enable them to get insights and information.

    So they provide that full stack everything from

    the sensors up to experience

    Layer bill in Bendix so that their

    customers can get

    really good insights into how

    a building or office is currently


    enabling them to build a smarter


    into their organizations.

    And finally, we have an tell on Antero

    primarily work with pharmaceutical customers

    on pharmaceutical. Customers often want to be

    able to track and trace

    certain Transportacion off their products,

    whether that be a drug or device.

    Often these need to be transported

    to the consumer in certain conditions.

    They might be need to to transport a certain temperature.

    They might have certain lights, conditions

    also movement conditions that need

    to be adhered to to make sure that

    that drug is as effective

    as possible.

    So bye, you sighting. I ot information

    that sensors on those particular device

    is able to see this information

    on alert. Certain users in

    this mend its dashboard

    so that they can go and check out that particular

    item when it’s not been transported good,

    and also take it off the shelves if

    required, if it’s not been stored at

    the right temperature.

    So these are just

    four use cases

    off Vendex customers utilizing I

    ity, but there’s a

    huge amount off opportunity

    for many more customers to leverage.

    I ity on the data that you get

    from being over to create

    those experiences on top of a nightie


    But in order to create these experiences, you

    number. You need a number off layers.

    First of all, you need a cloud infrastructure that’s able

    to scale.

    You need to them build a platform is a service

    on top of that, so something market cloud foundry

    or Cuban ITI said you can scale the

    number of instances in the number off

    environments of running on that count infrastructure,

    you need to suffer is a service solution that provides

    you with these capabilities to be able to

    scale and add those applications,

    and they suffer solutions. Often integrate

    to APP service is whether that be I ot

    service is or whether that be Machine Learning Service

    is on top of

    the platform, the service’s

    And if we look from the bottom up, we

    often need certain things. We need to

    monitor devices, whether it be a phone,

    wherever it be a computer or whether it

    be a

    fridge freezer, for instance.

    And those things often communicate with many

    different protocols, and that data needs

    to be ingested and stored somewhere.

    This is where an ingestion layer will take.

    Those particular things allow

    you to communicate with them


    and be able to then

    have those within your cloud infrastructure.

    But to utilize all these layers, it’s very

    difficult in a traditional platform and

    a traditional coding languages,

    and that’s where loco comes in. Loco makes

    it much easier, futile,

    integrate into each of these layers

    on be able to provide those


    that really make it beneficial

    to use on io ti plateful.

    And when we took what i o. T. often people

    are very confused about what I. O. T M.

    What coyote means

    on dhe over the last few years has been an

    emergence in two types of piety.

    We see on the left hand side industrial I

    ot, which is really focused that

    smart cities transportacion heavy


    as well as trying to improve your automation

    within your manufacturing, processing factories

    and health care.

    And on the Ryan side, we have consumer I ot,

    which is looking at home automation,

    being able to look at wearable devices

    of phones and TVs and how that data

    can be utilized within a platform

    on all of these need to go into a cloud

    solution so you can monitor those.

    You can make smart decisions upon


    whether that be AWS minds fear

    as your

    or whether you want to use broker

    like mosquito for your

    communication between those devices.

    So last year, Minnix was acquired

    by Seaman’s

    on Dhe. One of the reasons we were acquired

    was because we could rapidly create applications

    that utilize I ot data

    on one of the platforms that Siemens offers

    is months fair.

    Um, I see is the crown based open

    I ot operating system,

    allowing you to connect into any data,

    whether that be from a sensor, a device

    or any other system.

    It allows you to consume that and store that

    within the mindset platform.

    But you need to be able to create experiences

    and applications on top off the mines here.


    So this is why men, Dicks and


    work together to be able to build a

    integration, first of all,

    so that you can deploy your applications and

    leverage to single silent service is the

    mines the AP eyes and create

    digital twin experiences on top of

    those so really focused

    out that industrial I ot space

    began to monitor actual physical

    products out of the market and

    be able to then get insights and change

    the product in your PLM


    So low code for I ot makes it much

    easier for you to be out between Dragon Drop

    and build those experiences. Leveraging

    that data from the mindset platform

    and it allows you to collaborate

    much more with your I T.

    O T. Communities,

    allowing you to unleash the talent

    is available within your OT talent

    pool to build applications

    6 to 10 times faster than traditional

    developed. So

    let’s take a look how we can leverage

    the manage platform

    to utilize i ot

    festival will take a look at how we can use

    a DBS I ot

    and then we take a look at how we can deploy

    and utilized data from the seaman’s

    minds here. Platform

    in this demonstration will take a look at

    how we can extend an existing application

    built on the mend. Its platform.

    This particular avocation was built in

    our previous Loco 10 30.

    In those low code and thirties. My colleague Jeffrey

    Goldberg showcased how we could improve

    this emergency service’s application

    by leveraging conversational platforms

    to enhance our U X

    and also deliver a I in cognitive

    service’s with ease

    in those two weapon ours, Jeff showed

    how we could leverage

    messaging bots like slack on

    what’s app to be able to engage you

    of our customers

    and also

    in the A. I in cognitive service

    is one he looked at how we could utilize

    image recognition to detect certain


    So whether that incident be a cat

    up a tree

    or whether it be a car accident,

    we want to take this one step further. We

    want to be able to extend this application

    and leverage i o T data so

    we can make smarter decisions.

    This particular application has been hooked up to

    a number of graphs here

    so that we can see temperature come

    dark side and carbon monoxide from

    certain buildings.

    Currently, this application isn’t hooked up

    to any I ot service,

    so we need to able we need to be able to

    hook into that data

    and make certain decisions around it.

    We have already an application

    that is sending data to an eye OT


    and in this case, we’re using the AWS

    i ot service.

    End of society is a very popular platform

    for really experimenting and building

    applications very quickly on

    top of Iron T platforms

    allows you to monitor connections

    on DDE

    inbound and outbound activity.

    It allows you to onboard devices

    and functionality very easily,

    as well as manage things

    which are essentially representations off

    certain devices.

    You might have multiple devices

    that belong to a particular thing,

    and a thing always has a certain type

    which essentially describes what

    the thing does or doesn’t do.

    Currently, we haven’t application

    that is submitting this data every

    few seconds

    and its publishing that data to the

    A. D. B s I o t service.

    And if we want a view that data, we can simply subscribe

    to that information using this test

    harness here within

    the AWS IittIe service.

    In this case, we’re using a diverse M

    ke t t

    and M ke. T t is a very lightweight protocol

    for testing and integrating

    into data

    in neighbour’s you to very quickly send

    data from coyote devices but

    also receive it as well.

    By subscribing to a topic, we

    can see all of the information that is published

    to this topic

    and the other two operations. When working

    with m ke t t

    you subscribe a k listen

    to data

    on publish a K pushed

    data to the crowd.

    And as you can see here, we’re getting live streams of

    data now from our I T device.

    And if we want to use this data within the

    medics platform,

    we need to be able to map this in and

    be able to use it within our entities

    to do so. We can actually export this definition

    here so that we can start to use

    this within our application.

    A map it into data within

    our app.

    So if we copy this payload, we can then

    use this within our development


    So if I switch over into men Dick Studio


    this is where we can build out the experience

    for those applications.

    We can build out the pages. So what the user’s

    sees within the application,

    whether it be a, uh

    oh, view, dashboard grid

    and so on,

    we can drag and drop these components onto

    here. We can also

    build out logic within the platform.

    And in order to get the data from

    the A. D. B s i o T service, we

    need to subscribe to that data using

    our and PTT connector.

    So you can see here we have our connector

    with a number off property set.

    And this is currently utilizing the

    DBS connector that’s available

    on our APP store.

    And our lab stories are component Library

    allows you to extend both on the back ends

    with connectors

    on dhe

    AP eyes

    as well as widgets and themes

    for your front end extensions,

    and you can download thes and reuse these across

    your application

    to allow you to accelerate that development process

    within the M t t t

    subscribe options we have the

    option to power is the message

    that we get back from the M cruelty

    to service.

    If you click show, we can go into that flow

    and see we have two parameters.

    A topic on a payload.

    To use the payload data, we need to map that

    into our application.

    That’s very easy to do using Jason

    Structures and Jason happens,

    we can pace the data here,

    format it on refresh, and

    it will automatically pick up the data items.

    Next thing we need to do is need to map that data

    inter application so we can use it.

    We create an input mapping.

    We could select the structure with just create it.

    We can check elements that we do or don’t

    want, and then map that

    against data from are the main

    model. If

    the names are matching automatically,

    then they will match their of

    wise. It will create new ones for us.

    Go back to the process flow. We can now import

    that data and start to use it within our


    We select import mapping,

    we can select the data we want to import

    and the mapping we want to use, which is the one

    we just created.

    We can choose to save it

    and also story in a variable.

    The next thing we need to do is update our dashboard.

    We want to be over to see the information

    that we get back from our

    a p I

    Once we’ve got the fire alarm details

    from the I T service, we want to make some decisions

    around it. Amusing exclusive

    split here. We could make some decisions

    around our temperature data.

    So if the temperature is going to go above

    60 degrees

    that we can assume that this

    is potentially an opportunity for

    a fire.

    So 60 degrees associates is quite

    high, so we could ultimately predict

    that there is a potential for a fire.

    If there is, it will go down this true line.

    A voice. It would go down the false line which

    will draw in a second.

    We’re gonna create a new emergency event

    based on the data we get back from

    the service. We’re going to say

    really predict

    this building

    is going.

    People catch

    the fire.

    We can say what type of emergency is

    in this case is going to be a fire

    and then we just need to deal with the false

    line and the first line. We’re

    not gonna do anything. We’re gonna ignore that


    So now we’ve connected up this subscribe

    button to the overview. We just need to

    make sure that this data updates.

    So I’m gonna add on a snippet here

    to make sure our dashboard always refreshes

    and make sure it always has the latest data.

    The final thing we need to do is now run this. We

    need to run this locally so we can see that information

    and make sure we’re getting all of that data

    from the i o. T. Service.

    So very quickly, we’ve been our to

    create a mapping based on

    the data we’re getting from R I

    o T service in a dress

    we’ve been out to then create some logic

    and some decisions in a mark float.

    And now we’re re running this application so

    we can view it in our browser.

    So if you go back to the Mendez dashboard

    here Onda, we hit Refresh.

    We’ll be able to see the information starting to

    come into a platform.

    We can see the temperature, the humidity

    and also the carbon monoxide levels.

    But in order to get that data, we need to

    subscribe to it.

    If we’re not subscribed, we won’t receive

    any information into this dashboard.

    So now that we’ve subscribed, we should now start

    to get events into our application.

    And you can see here we’re starting to get new data

    for our com dockside

    temperature and also our carbon monoxide.

    We could see those values increase over

    time to increasing

    the cover. Not sighing come dark side,

    which is never good.

    It’s a clear sign of a fire,

    but we’ve added the rule in for the temperature.

    So if we increase that above 60

    let’s go Thio

    80 degrees.

    We will see then

    that will get a new ruler into our application.

    Here we are. So we predicted this building’s gonna

    catch fire

    and we can see the level at which

    is predicted is going

    to go to a swell

    so very quickly in the last 10 minutes

    will be enough to show you how we can extend

    an existing application for emergency service

    is and we can make smarter,

    intelligent decisions

    using I ot on information

    from a T V s I o t

    In Our second demonstration will take

    a look at this seaman’s mind street platform

    And how many dicks applications could be deployed

    onto the platform and leverage

    data. They distort their.

    So we looked into the minds here, platform here,

    and we can see here we have a number of tiles.

    These tiles allow us to manage assets,

    also applications.

    And also single sign on into applications

    Bill in men dicks.

    If you go into the Asset Manager, this is where

    we can configure certain data

    assets and devices that were actually

    going to monitor.

    In this case, we want to monitor a pump we

    could see here. We’ve got some details and a photo.

    We can assign a particular asset to a


    allowing us to monitor multiple assets

    against a particular type.

    And then we have aspect ce on aspect. So

    what we’re going to measure

    these might have multiple attributes and


    to particular assets.

    So in this case, we’re monitoring for the pump

    room monitoring current

    the motor currents pressure in

    on also pressure out.

    Once we set up the assets, we then need

    to be out to configure the applications

    that are gonna leverage that data

    and to do so, we can use the developer

    cop it here to set up new applications

    on new credentials, which we can

    then use within our Mendes applications.

    These credentials allow us to connect

    into the mindset data, but also

    used a single sign on service.

    We can add configurations in

    here as well. Two actually customize

    our application

    such as environment variables or

    operations and information

    that we need particularly to this environment.

    If you go back to the dashboard, we can see that we’ve

    already provisioned on example


    The Pump Asset example is

    an app that’s available on the medics

    APP store. You can download this

    and configure this to get idea

    as to how to develop an application

    on top of mind sphere

    on leverage the data.

    If we could go on goto assets, we

    can see here we have a number off data

    that is already available. With this application,

    we could see current

    pressure in on also pressure out

    off our particular pump

    and we can create this data, use an example

    flow, and it shows you how to put

    data inter mind sphere, but also

    read data from it as well

    as I mentioned this particular example is available

    on the mend its APP store.

    From here, you can search for certain minds

    fit components,

    which allow you to accelerate your development

    things like

    Asset Manager connector,

    single sign on service

    theming packages

    as well as full applications like the pub asset


    And we’ll be adding more more examples

    to this app store over the next

    coming months.

    So if you need some guidance and

    some documentation as to how to set up

    and provisioned your own application,

    you can go to the docks. Stop mend ex dot com

    and search reminds Fear.

    And there’s a whole set of guidance, as do

    how to set up this particular application

    and also how to set up your application

    for deployment and configuration

    for certain users and also

    certain data within your application.

    So you’re really helpful Guide, and I definitely

    advise you going through this. Just

    start building your first application.

    So let’s take a look at what that application

    entails and what you get from the pump

    Asset. Example.

    If we switch over to the minute Studio Pro,

    we can see here, there comes with

    some example. Mike flows

    where we can perform logic to authenticate

    with the

    minds, fear platform using tokens,

    and we can then call certain rest AP

    eyes that are available via minds

    for a P I.

    And in this case, we’re putting some data into

    the time. Siri’s overview.

    This allows us to authenticate and send

    data to that particular


    But we might also want to retrieve that data

    as well. And there’s example calls for doing

    that. It also

    has some example pages to show

    you how to build out things like graphs

    and charting to showcase information

    that is coming live from the actual

    I OT devices.

    Once you’re happy with this application, you

    can then build a package for it

    and then deploy it, using the command

    line for cloud foundry

    simply by looking in and given it

    the actual package, it will build

    you the application, deploy into the

    minds of platform,

    allow you to run that and use it within

    your environment.

    So in the last 30 minutes or so, we’ve been out

    to show you how to build an

    application on AWS I

    ot We’ve also shown you

    how to build an example application

    using mind Sphere platform on


    and giving you an overview as to what the

    I ot landscape looks like. And

    how men Dix come really support that


    So I hope you’ve enjoyed this particular weapon

    are and I hope to see you are next

    weapon are our next one will be

    next month and will be focusing on

    multi experience development on

    how Mendez can build applications

    that cross multiple experiences.

    So we will now move on to the question and

    answer section.

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