The Future of Enterprise Low-Code

What major technology and social trends are impacting the low-code industry?

  • Transcript

    (upbeat music)

    <v ->Hi, I’m Sheryl Koenigsberg,</v>

    Director of Global Product Marketing here at Mendix.

    And I am thrilled to be talking with Gordon Van Huizen today

    about the future of low-code.

    Gordon wish we were both in Rotterdam,

    but we’ll have to settle for Boston.

    <v ->(laughs) Settle for Boston.</v>

    Yeah, I wish we were there too.

    I haven’t been to Rotterdam in gosh!

    Since February.

    So I’m Gordon Van Huizen, VP of Platform Strategy,

    which is why I spend a lot of time in Rotterdam.

    But great to be hanging out virtually with you

    this morning Sheryl.

    <v ->So let’s get started.</v>

    We have a lot to talk about.

    You have been in application development

    for nearly your entire career.

    And yet we’ve agreed it seems as if low-code

    is having a moment right now.

    Why do you think that is?

    <v ->Well, that’s a great way to put it,</v>

    having a moment for sure.

    Well, to begin with,

    I guess it’s fair to say that low-code has been

    in the limelight for the last several years.

    It’s become a very identifiable component of digitalization.

    And it’s reached the point where low-code

    is perceived by many to be the future

    of application development overall.

    So it was ready for primetime.

    I think what’s making the focus

    on low-code even more dramatic right now is digitalization,

    on the one hand, organizations are pushing forward

    with digital strategies right and left

    to ensure that they can compete within the markets

    that they’re in.

    But the world that we find ourselves in across the globe,

    with the pandemic,

    has only accelerated certain aspects of that,

    organizations have to find new ways

    to work with their customers, work with their partners

    and to collaborate internally.

    And that requires new forms of digital solutions,

    which in turn, requires experimentation

    and getting solutions out

    into people’s hands really quickly,

    which are of course the things that low-code

    is particularly good at.

    So we’re seeing a really interesting surge

    in new developers on the platform,

    and the new apps that are being created.

    And I think it really stems from that.

    So it took an existing trend, really,

    that was happening within business more broadly,

    and has accelerated some really key aspects of it.

    <v ->And so you mentioned new solutions,</v>

    what are some of the changes we’re seeing

    in how low-code is being used these days?

    <v ->Well, so if we think about the last few years,</v>

    there’s been a very interesting progression

    where low-code and no-code,

    the simpler form of development platform

    or a developer tool,

    were initially perceived as being

    only for departmental-level use,

    I build an app for myself,

    I build an app for my immediate team.

    And it’s effectively a disposable app in some way,

    if you wanna think about it that way.

    And then we saw a shift towards low-code for innovation.

    If you’re building a new innovative solution

    that requires some degree of experimentation,

    and low-code is a great way to go about doing that.

    But starting two to three years ago,

    I would say we saw a real evolution

    of low-code in the enterprise.

    And by that, I mean, applying a low-code approach,

    developing a wide variety of enterprise solutions,

    not just at the departmental level,

    not just for new innovative solutions,

    but for rebuilding core systems,

    legacy modernization or legacy replacement,

    which was something that I think very few people

    would have anticipated prior to that point in time.

    So I think that’s one of the big things that we’ve seen.

    The other thing that…

    Yeah, go ahead.

    <v ->Yeah, I’m wondering,</v>

    are we seeing people use low-code for things

    like, I don’t know, the Amazon Alexa,

    or any other sort of–
    <v ->Well yeah, that’s yeah.</v>

    That’s actually where I was thinking about going next,

    which is at the same time,

    we’re seeing a change in the way

    that people interact with businesses.

    And by virtue of that, how they interact with with systems.

    And where there’s a shift, gosh!

    Close to 10 years ago now,

    I began from web-based user interfaces, desktop apps,

    apps that run on computers to leveraging mobile devices.

    And initially that kind of parroted what happened

    on larger displays just on the smaller displays.

    We’ve moved well beyond that now

    to highly tailored mobile solutions

    that really support what people want to do

    and need to do on mobile devices.

    And it’s quickly expanding beyond that

    into new forms of interaction.

    Conversational user experiences that could happen

    on a mobile device.

    It’s just another mode on a mobile device,

    if you wanna think about it that way,

    to voice-based interactions.

    And then we’re also seeing things like,

    in the concept of digitalizing things, augmented reality,

    where we overlay user interfaces onto the world,

    when people wear wearable devices, and that kind of thing.

    So the way many people think of that now

    is multi-experience.

    And how do we build software solutions

    that support multi-experience,

    not just those additional channels,

    if you wanna think of them as channels,

    but in a way that really satisfies what the user needs

    and wants at each touchpoint because really,

    the system they work with is always there.

    It’s running in the cloud.

    It’s doing things on their behalf,

    hopefully on their behalf and there’s a set of times

    that individuals interact with that system,

    we call those touch points.

    So that in and of itself is a really significant endeavor

    for virtually every organization that needs to do it.

    And that’s happening at the same time as this other shift

    around how software is developed and needs

    to be developed to satisfy enterprise requirements.

    <v ->So do you think there’ll be a difference</v>

    between low-code platforms and multi-experience platforms?

    Or do you think that’ll become the same thing?

    <v ->Well, I think there are platforms that can satisfy both.</v>

    And I think that comes with a lot of different requirements,

    there’s having the right architectural foundation,

    so that you can create very tailored experiences

    for each touchpoint.

    There’s what should that experience be?

    And that’s where low-code can really,

    really add a lot of value as well.

    And then there’s thinking about it really

    as the user journey and how to map out

    that user journey and how do you support it?

    So I think what we’ll see is

    that some low-code platforms can address all that.

    And there are other tools

    that have been used outside of app development

    that may start to make their way into low-code platforms

    and multi-experience platforms.

    <v ->So you said something a couple minutes ago</v>

    that caught my attention.

    You talked about taking a low-code approach

    to different types of technology.

    And when I think low-code approach,

    what I immediately see is,

    either drag-and-drop UI development,

    or I see drag-and-drop flow modeling of logic.

    But it sounds like what you’re talking about

    is more than that.

    <v ->Yeah. Yeah.</v>

    I’m glad you picked up on that.

    Because low-code approach to me

    and I think to everybody at Mendix means a lot more

    than just simplifying things and creating visual tools

    versus text-based tools.

    The core principles of it that have been part

    of our ethos and our product strategy since the beginning

    are abstraction and automation.

    So the abstraction is

    what is the best way to surface something so

    that people can understand it and work with it?

    And certainly visual modeling is an approach to abstraction.

    But the automation part of it is incredibly important.

    Because there’s a lot that needs to be done

    in the process of building an app,

    getting an app deployed and managing that app.

    That is, quite honestly a set of road steps that could

    and should be automated.

    So for example, deploying an app to the cloud

    is a non-trivial thing under the cover,

    there’s a lot of steps that occur,

    provisioning and managing cloud infrastructure.

    If you had to do all that manually,

    it would take a very, very long time.

    So and also it would be a lot

    of not exactly high value work at the end of the day.

    So it’s that combination of having the right abstractions,

    with automation that really comes together in what I think

    of as the low-code approach.

    Another aspect of it that is starting to be applied.

    And I think will have a lot of value moving forward

    is applying artificial intelligence,

    augmenting what the developer can do,

    not just automating what they could do,

    so that they can do things more quickly

    and move more quickly.

    Because that burden is taken off,

    but help them do things

    that they might not have been able to do before,

    or to do things that are not that rote, and repeatable.

    And that’s where AI comes in

    as a capability for augmenting the developer.

    So if we take the abstraction, automation,

    oddly enough, the third one happens to be an A,

    but artificial intelligence

    and we put those three things together.

    That to me is what low-code really needs

    to do moving forward.

    But, a key part of what we do though,

    is try to apply that to virtually everything we can

    on the behalf of the developer,

    so that they can move more quickly

    and be much more expressive about what they do.

    So they can just declare, I want it to do this.

    And it will.

    What that leaves you to

    is applications become more sophisticated

    and multi-experience was one example of that

    is that it takes low-code app development

    into new domains.

    <v ->So going back just a minute to AI</v>

    because I know a lot of people are concerned,

    AI is gonna take our jobs away,

    AI is gonna replace people,

    but you talk about it as augmentation.

    Can we get into that a little bit?

    Cause I know that that’s kind of a big topic

    that people think a lot about.

    <v ->Yeah, yeah.</v>

    I think it goes back to the nature of tools

    in the first place.

    Why do we make tools?

    We make tools so that we can do bigger and better things,

    that we can do things…

    We can move more quickly.

    While we’re doing things,

    we can accomplish them more quickly.

    And that’s where AI really adds benefit.

    So I think of AI as being almost entirely

    about augmentation.

    Now that augmentation can become very smart

    and start doing some things for us.

    But I think that it isn’t just a matter

    of having a philosophy around it

    to avoid the takeover by the machines.

    I think that’s what the machines do.

    And when we think about augmentation,

    we can think about applying it to the developer experience,

    to allow the developer to do more.

    And then in the applications that get built,

    AI clearly will play a very significant role moving forward

    in augmenting what the users of those applications can do.

    Because at the end of the day,

    the applications exist to help the user do something

    in the first place.

    And the more that we can bring intelligence to bear

    within those solutions,

    those solutions become more competent and more helpful.

    <v ->The way you describe that, Gordon,</v>

    it’s like there’s a direct line

    from the creation of the wheel.

    <v ->Yeah, to me, I see it that way, very much see it that way.</v>

    Yeah, absolutely, chisels.
    <v ->Creating tool</v>

    that helps people do more and makes their jobs easier.

    And there’s just this progression from

    that cave person who figured that out all the way through

    to augmented reality.

    <v ->Yeah, yeah.</v>

    <v ->So one of the other things really interesting,</v>

    you mentioned a couple minutes ago was about taking

    this low-code approach or this abstraction

    and automation approach and applying it to new domains.

    So which domains should we go tackle first with this?


    <v ->Well, the reason one tackles new domains isn’t just</v>

    to expand an offering.

    When we think of the offering as an app platform,

    it’s really what does the individual need to do?

    We refer to them as makers.

    What does a maker need to do moving forward to make things

    and there are some aspects of enterprise IT

    that have been their own domains effectively historically

    that become part and parcel of making things,

    building digital solutions.

    But the first one on the list, I think is data.

    Data has been a part of applications forever.

    But in a very limited way.

    Typically the data with an application belongs to

    that application, that’s less and less true moving forward

    of the solutions that we create.

    So how can we make it easier for developers

    to discover and leverage data within the solutions

    that they create?

    Historically, that’s been thought of as integration,

    data integration, data management.

    I believe very, very strongly,

    that key aspects of that need to be brought directly

    into the development realm

    and into the developer experience.

    And that will only become more important

    as the types of data and the shapes that it comes in,

    and the velocity that it comes in at.

    And the other characteristics it has,

    data is time-based, for example,

    or it isn’t in many scenarios,

    how do we make all of that approachable in a low-code way,

    how do we apply the notions of abstraction

    and automation to working with data?

    So that’s one domain.

    The next one that comes to mind is automation.

    When we think about it, virtually every application.

    <v ->So we’re not gonna start small with either of these,</v>


    <v ->Yeah, these are super, super easy problems to solve.</v>

    Yeah, well, automation really is at the core

    of what we’ve been doing with apps forever.

    I mean, that’s the purpose of an app is

    to do something that an individual did before,

    but or couldn’t get done before.

    And increasingly, that means more and more digital solutions

    are inherently process and automation-based in some way.

    When we think about insurance,

    what’s one of the big things that’s happening

    in retail insurance,

    you try to radically cut down the time

    that it takes to quote and bind a policy, right?

    What is that?

    That’s process improvement,

    that’s optimizing a process, that’s automating a process,

    and perhaps even applying some intelligence to it

    so that individuals don’t have

    to get involved in very much,

    that’s what allows you to get a quote done instantly.

    There’s a ton of integration behind that.

    And there’s a ton of automation behind that.

    So therefore, to create digital solutions,

    process and process automation has to become part

    of the palette of capabilities

    that a maker has available to them.

    <v ->Okay, and now I’m starting to see that connection</v>

    with multi-experience that we were talking about.

    Because I may wanna get a quote on my desktop,

    but I might just wanna get a quote on my mobile device

    or I might want to speak to a voice device to get a sense

    of what it might cost.
    <v ->Absolutely.</v>

    Absolutely. Absolutely.

    Or if I’m ordering a vehicle or even deciding what vehicle

    to buy, right, that process begins and then it takes

    some length of time for that to complete.

    So systems need to keep track of who the person is,

    what they’re doing,

    and increasingly a variety of processes that come together

    to support the their journey.

    And I love the way you put that.

    They check in on those processes and they interact

    with them on their terms whenever they want to

    on whatever device they want to.

    So yeah, we need to support that.

    <v ->Okay, so we talked about data,</v>

    we talked about process automation.

    Is there anywhere else you think we could get a real bang

    for our buck by applying a low-code approach to things?

    <v ->Well, the other component that I think needs to come in</v>

    and it’s beginning to come in

    and we kind of alluded to it earlier in the discussion

    is applying intelligence within digital solutions.

    AI is an interesting thing.

    Because at one end,

    there’s a lot that we still can’t do with it, right?

    And you have to have a very,

    very clear idea of what you need to create.

    And then you need data scientists to go off

    and build it and all that stuff.

    But on the other end, which is available today,

    we have cognitive services

    and intelligent processing services.

    That’s all very clear,

    very repeatable problems using natural language processing,

    that gets applied in digital solutions in a lot

    of different ways.

    Even Intelligent OCR, is a component of that.

    So, being able to bring cognitive services directly

    into the solutions that are being created,

    again as a natural extension of the pallet

    that the developer has available to them to work from,

    or the toolkit that they have.

    I think that’s the third leg of the stool really,

    that if we look at data and how to bring in data

    and work with data and manage data,

    we bring in the process and automation component.

    And then we bring in AI to use a broad term

    for how to bring intelligence into the equation.

    I think that’s the triangle of frames,

    need to have moving forward.

    <v ->Okay, so you mentioned the developer,</v>

    and I think we should talk about him or her a little bit

    because this feels like a lot of new technology for them

    to absorb and a lot of additional types of output

    and expectation around what a developer skill set is.

    Is that gonna be just impossibly hard for them to absorb?

    <v ->Well, clearly the intention of abstraction</v>

    and automation is to remove

    from the developers experience the details they don’t need

    to worry about.

    But as you point out really, really nicely there,

    there are new dimensions

    that the developer needs to consider.

    We can make it easier for them,

    but they need to consider those dimensions.

    And it’s also the intersection of these things

    that creates digital solutions.

    So what we’re beginning to see is a scenario

    where developers don’t build things from scratch

    from very kind of low-level technical capabilities anymore,

    where they begin to build more

    and more sophisticated solutions out

    of bigger building blocks

    and more sophisticated building blocks.

    And at Mendix,

    the way we think about that is a concept

    that we think of as an app service.

    And an app service isn’t just a widget or a component.

    It may certainly contain those.

    But it contains a set of widgets, components,

    connections to cloud hosted services

    that when brought together solve a specific problem.

    It could be a fairly fine-grained problem

    like natural language processing.

    But what makes such a service more valuable

    is when it is contextualized with respect to say,

    a domain or a use case,

    what makes it really valuable is when you put a number

    of these things together into what you could think of

    as a subassembly,

    or even a completely templatized solution,

    which would allow the developer to then

    basically snap together solutions

    that are very sophisticated and then customize

    and tailor the aspects of it that they need

    to customize or tailor for their personal situation.

    So that I think is fundamentally required moving forward

    to give people larger and larger things

    that they can leverage that are more sophisticated,

    that bring various pieces together to solve a problem,

    but do it in a componentized way,

    so that they can then do whatever they want with that.

    So for example,

    if they want to add a new form of interaction channel,

    or alter the process,

    or nest it in the larger process, make it their own,

    they can do all those things.

    So app services, I think were our real key

    to creating a low-code platform that enables people

    to build these much more sophisticated solutions

    that have these new dimensions that we’re talking about.

    <v ->Okay, so I think a more concrete example might help here.</v>

    I think maybe we’ve gone too far, I mean abstraction side,

    if you will?

    So what would be an example of an app service

    that we might offer developers the ability to use?

    <v ->Well, if we look at the more kinda fine-grained ones</v>

    that you can start with things like 3D visualization.

    That’s a technology that’s used a lot in engineering

    and manufacturing scenarios.

    So you can imagine that Siemens has a lot

    of great technology in that area, of course.

    But it’s also really important in a lot of other scenarios.

    AR and VR, obviously, are fundamentally 3D-based.

    So providing app services that allow people

    to use 3D visualization,

    and build 3D user interfaces,

    would be a great example of a sophisticated component

    that would be available as an app service.

    Same thing would be true of say,

    I brought up natural language processing, right,

    so those will be there.

    But if we just stopped at that level,

    that wouldn’t be that different than if we were

    to put abstraction and automation on top of services

    that are available just in the world.

    What’s interesting is when you put them together,

    as you pointed out to solve a particular problem.

    So if we think about document processing,

    every organization has hundreds,

    if not thousands of processes

    that effectively document processing processes.

    And they invariably involve exactly the same thing.

    So you need to be able to analyze a document

    in some way create, figure out what its structure is,

    apply some natural language processing

    to actually extract the content,

    based upon that content,

    make an evaluation of what to do next,

    where should I go in the process?

    Does it need to be reviewed by a human, things like that.

    So there’s an intelligent decision-making aspect of this,

    which again, gets back into process.

    One could imagine app services that solve that problem

    in a generalized way,

    and then allow for customization as necessary at each

    of those stages or in each of those dimensions.

    So for example, natural language processing

    has much lower error rates when it is very domain-specific.

    I’m handling POs, in this industry, for example,

    allows POs to be processed more effectively.

    So that could happen.

    But I would also anticipate that moving forward,

    there’ll be highly specialized versions of something

    that’s as common as document processing into something

    that’s very appropriate for specific industries.

    <v ->So that brings a kind of obvious question to bear,</v>

    which is, that sounds like a very big engineering investment

    for Mendix to make, to build all of this stuff,

    and have all of this domain expertise,

    so how are we thinking about that?

    <v ->Yeah, well, that’s a really good point.</v>

    And certainly,

    no platform vendor

    is ever going to have all

    of the domain expertise that’s necessary.

    On the technology front,

    there are specialist providers of horizontally

    applicable technology.

    And sometimes those are used more in some industries

    than others, for example, geolocation, and geo-tagging

    and those types of things tend to be used

    in certain industries, right.

    But it wouldn’t make any sense for Mendix,

    or any platform vendor to invest in creating all of those.

    And then, there are people and organizations

    that have a lot of domain expertise.

    They understand this particular form of manufacturing.

    They understand specialty insurance,

    they understand what they understand.

    And they might have some really intriguing ideas

    for how they could more broadly solve problems

    within those domains.

    So what we envision

    is an ecosystem

    where there’s the platform,

    and the capabilities and app services that we provide.

    There are contributors to that marketplace

    that provide specialized technology in areas.

    I gave you the example of geolocation and geo-tagging.

    It’s also content management systems and things like that,

    that would be part of it.

    And then there are the individuals that do bring in

    that domain expertise to build higher level solutions

    that have value and how these capabilities

    are brought together

    to solve a specific problem in a domain.

    And so what we are creating is a marketplace

    to facilitate that,

    to create that ecosystem with a variety of participants

    that are necessary for creating these building blocks.

    So that enterprises and organizations regardless

    of what industry they’re in,

    can find the capabilities that they need

    to build their digital solutions.

    <v ->And do we see sort</v>

    of an inception thing going on here where,

    a solution provider might find a piece of a solution

    in the marketplace, put it into their solution

    and then reoffer it in the marketplace?

    So as–
    <v ->Oh, absolutely, absolutely.</v>

    I believe that will naturally happen.

    And we’ve witnessed similar things happening

    in other industries, for sure, right.

    I mean, that’s exactly how the auto industry works.

    So absolutely the same thing could happen

    in the low-code space.

    And the great thing is that everybody

    that participates gets value out of that.

    They get compensated for what they contribute.

    And they also obtain value by creating something

    that has more value on top of that.

    So yeah, I like that infectious notion.

    Yeah, I believe so.

    <v ->Okay, so we’ve covered a lot in a short amount of time.</v>

    And I’m excited about all of this technology.

    I’m sure our viewers are also,

    how soon can we have all of this?

    What’s the time horizon on the sorts

    of things we’ve been talking about today?

    <v ->Well, the core of what we’re talking about today</v>

    is already there of course.

    The foundational elements have been part of our platform

    and our platform strategy for quite some time,

    and we’ve been delivering against that.

    So much of what we’re talking about in some way,

    shape or form is available now or very, very shortly.

    Some of the things that we’re talking about,

    the technologies involved

    are at different levels of maturity.

    As we talked about, at least at a high level a bit ago,

    you can build some very comprehensive solutions today,

    leveraging existing AI capabilities.

    You may or may not call them AI,

    they’re definitely AI though at their core,

    so cognitive services, for example,

    but it’s gonna be quite some length of time before anybody

    that wants to,

    somebody that doesn’t have a data science background,

    can create their own machine intelligence, right.

    So, you leverage what’s available versus creating your own.

    One could imagine a future in which many more people

    can basically create their own machine learning systems

    and train them.

    How close are we to that?

    Three years, five years, maybe longer?

    Will AI play a role in even creating those solutions?

    Will AI help the maker make them?

    Absolutely, there’s no question about that.

    And I would anticipate that the low-code approach

    that combination abstraction and automation

    is at the core of it as well.

    So some of this plays out over many, many years.

    But I think the beginnings of

    it are absolutely there today.

    <v ->That’s exciting.</v>

    Well, Gordon, as usual,

    great catching up with you on what is coming in the future

    and how we’re thinking about it.

    Always a pleasure.

    Next year, we’ll do it in Rotterdam.

    <v ->(laughs) I certainly hope so.</v>

    Great chatting Sheryl.

    As always.

    (upbeat music)