UX Awareness and Process

If you’re looking for best practices and new ways to determine and utilize the quality of experience in your applications, this expert webcast is for you.

  • Transcript

    colleague Russell height Russell thanks

    for being here q Russell is a UX

    designer and he’s going to share his you

    have ux expertise with us today just a

    reminder before we get started we’ve

    left some time after the presentation

    portion to answer your questions so feel

    free to post any questions on the

    webinar tool and we’ll take care of the

    sea and also just to note this webinar

    is being recorded so if you miss

    anything you’ll be able to review the

    recording will also share a link to a

    PDF which has some more detailed info so

    we’ll get those two after the event so

    that’s it for me yeah thank you what’s

    up thanks everyone for joining us today

    so today we’re going to be just talking

    about UX and awareness and process so

    we’re going to cover UX and how it

    impacts various industries

    clarifying the length

    lage na so

    if I have experienced all these

    companies at some point whether it be

    helping a Ryan uber or listen to Spotify

    and we also know them but another thing

    that all these companies have in common

    is that they’re great use of design and

    ux we associate how we feel about these

    different companies based on what our

    experience has been maybe booking a room

    on Airbnb and how easy it is to throw

    your files of all on dropbox that

    feeling is a direct correlation to ux

    but you might be asking yourself how is

    this relevant to me if i’m developing

    applications that are for internal use

    only the bottom line is that every

    application for the most

    part and we as I just mentioned we all

    have used those applicant Netflix so we

    expect a certain level of understanding

    and ease of use the other thing too is

    that you ex can impact an increase your

    ROI so

    let me go through a couple example

    both of what i mean by that

    the software and you um if it’s maybe

    like customer facing you less people are

    going to turn on with what’s easy to use

    but also on the development side you

    flex can help the planning process which

    we’ll get into later and dramatically

    decrease the amount of functionality you

    need to to deploy your application it

    also reduces the amount of frustration

    you might feel because

    you have to not only just make if you do

    hit it there it clearly explains why you

    have the error and what you need to do

    to continue

    so next up I’m going to go through the

    different the lingo and terminology of

    UX I’m sure you’ve heard all sorts of

    things ui/ux user interface usability

    all these

    turn terms that one and chips to each


    first off a lot of times people when I

    tell them that I’m a UX designer that

    they immediately assume so you you

    change change the colors of thing and

    that is true I I often do make things

    pretty but it’s really just the very

    first step of the whole UX umbrella so

    styling is actually be processed we use

    through a language called CSS which

    stands for cascading style sheets and

    it’s changed to cup colors so if I want

    to make a button blue I will change the

    color in CSS to be blue next we have

    steaming seaming is the process of

    taking a company’s visual identity so

    that’s you know your logo your cup whea

    path uh turns your print much all of

    that is analyzed

    kind of compile to to fit into your

    application so that it still feels like

    an app that fits with your brand so

    seeming is taking that and translating

    that so that you can then style

    alright and this needs styling theming

    can you I design all relate to what we

    see and this is like is as you can see

    it’s only perhaps halfway there and UI

    design is specifically where we place

    different objects on the page just to

    know Oh too kind of orientate you so

    you’re like well clearly by this

    navigational on the top I’m on this page

    and I’d like to go to this page sleep at

    placement is of those objects of is UI

    design next we start to get into more of

    UX design with usability design this has

    to do with me maybe making an appt more

    accessible to the people using it so if

    an application is built for the elderly

    that’s going to look very different and

    feel very different for someone then

    someone that is like four year old so

    our requirements are different based on

    the different user groups and that


    next we have interaction design

    usability design I kind of think of it

    as a human side of things interaction

    design is more of how the specific

    object works so for example something

    we’ve all experienced a button on a

    website if you hover over that button

    maybe it changes color if it moves a

    little bit that’s to let you know that

    that’s a button and that’s something to

    click and kind of understand that it’s

    going to take you somewhere and that

    interaction design and so any

    functionality that you want to give some

    subtle clues we use interaction design

    to achieve that

    and lastly we have UX design UX design

    can be said is all the things I’ve with

    lifted prior but it also has to do with

    the experience and the emotional time

    how we feel about something so we’ve all

    you know booked a flight at one point or

    another in our lives and if you’re going

    through the process of booking that

    flight and everything upfront or are you

    click a fly step 600 bucks and then you

    go to the checkout and now it’s 700 you

    if you’re going to be upset you’re like

    what why does this cost as much I

    thought it was this much that’s the

    example of very bored UX design because

    they’re not telling you everything you

    need to know so that you feel feel happy

    about their brand or about the process

    in general so not enough shell is all

    the different layers of UX and UI design

    and how they all work together

    so next I’m going to walk through the

    different steps of implementing those

    terms that I just mentioned and what

    stages of the process they come into

    play so here’s a loop you know process

    visa aren’t I kind of group them each of

    the black phrases are different slides I

    just wanted to kind of give an outline

    as to what’s going to come after what

    and it’s definitely not set in stone

    like you could easily have low Phi or

    medium fidelity wireframes in your

    project preparation or vice versa or you

    could do you usability testing after

    each sprint this is just more of an

    outline to kind of get you prepared

    what’s coming next so the first step in

    a process is before your you started

    your project you and maybe if you’re the

    product owner or maybe it’s during the

    project kickoff you need to define

    several things first off are the

    usergroups usergroups are who will be

    using this application in mendax we kind

    of already have something along these

    lines and that’s the user roles and that

    kind of dictates what are the different

    security levels and who can see what

    user groups touches on that but it also

    kind of extends outward to who the end

    user is so back to the you know

    grandparents versus kids they really

    define you know what they need to see

    maybe someone older need something

    bigger buttons so it’s easier to use

    that make sure the text is large enough

    whereas someone you know younger can

    read much smaller text and would like to

    see like flying animations and things

    like that so those are two very

    different applications based on who the

    users are and if you’re from familiar

    with more UX processes and stuff like

    that outside of this you would know that

    user groups in a way are similar to

    personas which are like descriptions of

    fake descriptions of like bios of people

    that you use to better understand and

    relate back to your user flows next you

    have after you’ve defined the user

    groups you need to define what those

    users need to do and those are in the

    form come in the form of user objectives

    and that’s pretty much it you have to

    come at what users do web things so for

    if you have three different user groups

    you might have some crossover maybe the

    customer and the manager have to need to

    see the same screen and do the same

    objective but the admin only needs to

    see maybe just the statistics of what

    everybody is doing so that they don’t

    need to see Oh steps so it’s a matter of

    for each user group you need to define

    each of their objectives what their

    goals in the application are

    you also have you want to define user

    friction um I think user friction is

    generally assumed in digital

    applications as no friction easy as

    possible um but I think with all things

    design designs about considering what

    you’re doing thinking about considering

    every option and friction is one of

    those so for example this image I’m sure

    we’ve all been to ikea they make us walk

    like a mile or so before we can purchase

    anything and it’s a very successful

    business model and it can kind of give

    this a sense hey maybe i need that or

    this and so it’s a very flies in the

    face of what most people think you

    should just present someone exactly what

    they need so it’s just something to

    consider along the way so after you’ve

    defined your user groups your objectives

    and how much friction how easy it is to

    do accomplish a task you want to plot

    out those big pieces of functionality

    those objectives through user flows and

    so first you want to match each object

    user objective to a business goal so

    then you can see what the value of this

    application is and kind of helps

    quantify that and then the user flow

    process is one where you you can draw it

    out or in the case of the image on the

    right side my slide you can do it with

    like Google drawing or something where

    you can iterate up on it it can be

    doesn’t require to have any expertise in

    anything you can just learn and do some

    there’s plenty of web applications out

    there that can help you with this sort

    of thing but you basically map out step

    by step what you need to do in order to

    achieve get to the objective point so

    what this one is shopping cart so for

    each step has you know different boxes

    like a

    act and then you have a diamond which

    you know is for those of you with the

    that are minix developers can kind of be

    familiar as kind of a you know question

    so yes or no and then if yes this is

    what you do if no here’s what you do and

    it’s just kind of an exercise so you

    understand the scope of your

    functionality and kind of starts to lay

    the groundwork of the roadmap for your

    application and one other thing user

    flows is really like the first iteration

    on defining these things and you can

    iterate within the user flow until you

    get to a point where you’re pretty

    comfortable with and once you’re

    comfortable with that you would progress

    to creating a site map and ethics for

    those of you using agile so type map is

    basically taking all those user flows

    and seeing what what pages they have in

    common so instead of defining a site map

    beforehand when you think you need this

    and you thinking is that you really know

    okay these different layers of

    functionality I need a home page i need

    a dashboard I need to check out and the

    site map can show you how those

    different pages are connected and then

    as far as epics go you can from those

    user flows you can kind of get some

    large epics as well as if you know you

    can break those down into two user flows

    or user stories excuse me the next we

    have wireframing there’s actually three

    stages of wire framing and if I refer

    back to the slide that have the loose

    process usually low fidelity wireframing

    you want to do before project it started

    but maybe your project has a lot of

    vacuum integration so you could easily

    do this in an initial sprint but you

    really should shouldn’t get into the

    page layouts of your application until

    you have some at least low fidelity

    wireframes completed and this

    basically takes is like the initial step

    of you I so it’s basically mapping out

    in a visual sense and kind of

    prioritizing functionalities for each

    for each page and this gives you a white

    kind of sentence you can go through the

    site map and basically wireframe out

    each out each page and so you get a

    sense that maybe maybe we don’t need a

    navigation maybe we can easily just

    there’s like one primary objective

    openness button to button button to page

    to page and so so this is like second

    level of iteration on top of your user

    flows so you get a local if maybe this

    doesn’t quite work maybe this should be

    more prominent and functionality wise

    than something else next step you have

    medium fidelity wireframing and so this

    is one more stepped on line that you’re

    iterating on your ideas you you had some

    rough idea of what you want it to look

    like in your low fidelity medium

    fidelity is done typically in grayscale

    and the reason for that is because we

    all tend to get lost with color we like

    color and we get attracted to it so

    things lose priority when we put colors

    on things so this is to help rein in the

    focus on

    where things are placed and their

    priority within the application so you

    can easily do this in you can make a

    series of JPEGs and to a PDF or you’re

    familiar with envision that kind of

    takes that to the next level where you

    can throw it up on envision and actually

    pseudo click areas as if they were

    actual buttons to get you to that so you

    feel more of what the flow is going to

    be like if it were an actual application

    and lastly you have high fidelity

    wireframes and this is more the full-on

    polished design of an application and

    how it will ultimately look like within

    after you’ve developed it alert and so

    this is where we can see like color

    relations and making sure we’re hitting

    like branding and typography and all

    those elements that are make your brand

    yours and we like to limit this to only

    two to three or depending on a size your

    application may be like core areas of

    functionality that are gonna require a

    little more finessing we only like to do

    high-fidelity wiring on a limited number

    of things because this can be very time

    consuming to make if you have you know

    40 screens to do this for every single

    screen is a lot of time and honestly you

    can take a look at the screen on the

    right and see okay well I can see my

    that h1 going to be this font and this

    large headers for this section is going

    to look like this and you can see

    actually this size and this size are

    actually the same size that’s just what

    background it’s a little different so

    you can already start to lay out what

    the theming and styling required for an

    application is from literally one screen

    and if as you go through the process and

    you get to a piece of functionality that

    you didn’t wire frame out you can easily

    go back and rework it if it’s not

    looking the way you want it to within a

    modeler the other reason why we limited

    to the number screens is we want to keep

    that feed going that the thing that

    mimics offers is ability to develop so

    quickly uf shouldn’t be holding that

    back so we’ve done a lot of the

    pre-planning of the application we are

    starting to build the application and

    create pages and layouts this theme

    creation and silent is done

    I would say you do this part of the u.s.

    process the most so this is really the

    implementation of taking in all that

    hard work that we put into creating user

    flows and really refining what the

    application is doing and then

    implementing it and making sure that the

    content that’s going to be pulled in

    looks good and and works well so this is

    done you know the theme is created when

    we did the high fidelity wireframes and

    styling for our for an application is

    both the CSS framework that we have and

    using CSS but you can’t just use CSFs

    you have to also work in the min decks

    page layouts and use CSS classes to call

    the CSS framework so you have to be

    working in tandem so if you’re doing the

    development or someone on your team soon

    development on the front end side of

    things you have to be both in the CSS as

    well as within the page layouts


    so as we go through the Sprint’s of our

    agile process we want to make sure that

    design is being kept abreast of every

    step of the way so if Miss it away

    through the project someone says hey we

    we actually need this functionality or

    something else or something change where

    this is not working the way we want it

    to when you need to change how it works

    design needs to be kept in line with

    everyone else so we have to make sure

    that design and user experience is

    always being of help throughout the

    process of creating the application and

    so there’s a design QA that’s held in

    conjunction with every sprint review and

    then you can also do some making sure

    your CSS code is clean and easy to use

    you can also during the design QA

    you know check for consistency among

    maybe icons or page layouts being used

    components used just so that you know if

    there’s a couple people different people

    develop in and they’re touching the page

    layouts making sure everyone’s on the

    same track and this this is also where

    you would create new user stories from

    next front in relation to you x nu I

    so last step along our journey is

    usability testing and usability testing

    is should be done I mean you can do it

    as as frequently as you like us between

    you can do it internally between sprints

    or but we really recommend also doing it

    between a police’s because usability is

    a way to check to see if the designs and

    user flows that we’ve mapped out truly

    work for our users so we would get

    well who are actually going to use the

    application so in the case of a lot of

    mimics applications we’re in a unique

    situation and that instead of having to

    go a random selection of people a lot

    sometimes it’s going to be your

    employees that are actually using these

    tools so just have them try the

    application and it’s important heard

    some stories where people will actually

    show their their prospective users how

    to use the tool and then be like okay go

    ahead and then gather that oh this

    should be this and this should be that

    you don’t want to do that you want to

    make it as if someone has never seen

    this before and give them a task so I

    need you to purchase this item and then

    record what they’re doing so then you

    can see how long it takes them you can

    get from first step to the second step

    and find these different items and

    actually asked them to maybe talk to

    what they’re doing as they do it so you

    get a sense for their thought process so

    this is a really useful so from that all

    that data can be collected and then you

    can turn that information into new user

    stories and figure out new ways to to

    better serve who these applications are

    actually for four people so that is

    ability UX in a nutshell and how what

    the different lingo czar and terminology

    that goes with it as well as broad

    overview of a step two step process of

    of UX and vindax great thanks Russell

    that was great really helpful

    presentation as I mentioned we left some

    time for QA so I’m go ahead and just

    type in any questions that you have I

    wanted to point out this note we have

    here on this final slide especially for

    our friends who are joining today from

    the Netherlands our Rotterdam office is

    working with a partner online Department

    on a meetup event on this topic of UX

    and that’s going to be held on March

    23rd so we’ll leave this flight up if

    you want the URL or you can find more

    information on our developer site which

    is developer diamond XCOM and Russell

    and I have invited our colleague Adam

    fothergill to join us for this Q&A

    portion of the webinar Adam thanks for

    being here Adams Adams a consultant on

    our professional services team so we we

    know he’ll be helpful in fielding some

    of your questions here

    so let’s go ahead and get started

    wrestle I’ll hand it back to you you can

    go through these questions all right so

    I have a question unit says how do i

    integrate UX in a project that is

    already in development or about to be

    released so I would suggest using

    usability testing to achieve that so

    that way you can see how people actually

    respond to the application and because

    we may have hunches as to why something

    that’s not working well but if we can

    actually show it to the people that

    actually going to be using the

    application we should do that and then

    from there we can gather what’s not

    working well and go back to creating

    user flows to target that functionality

    that we want to rework and then take

    that and do another sprint or two to

    work that into your project as it stands


    see a question will we make the slides

    available yes the slides will be

    available after the webinar will also be

    a PDF that touches on more the things I

    spoke about that may not be on the

    slides themselves


    so I think one about tool in mimics do

    you still use do paper prototyping if

    yes can you give an example how it to

    use it to be effective so for example

    the user flows that I spoke on our

    something where I find it to be really

    effective if you just wipe board that

    you actually for the user flows

    you actually probably want to do that in

    collaboration with the product owner as

    well someone so someone from a business

    side as well as someone from the

    development side so you should have all

    areas on of expertise all together so

    that the business goals can be reached

    and met and feel like they’ve been

    satisfied satisfied as well as

    development and what they need and then

    has the UX expert you can bring to the

    table what’s user needs and so I would

    recommend actually doing that on a

    whiteboard or on a piece of paper kind

    of mapping out what you see how you

    think step by step is and that’s really

    a first iteration of prototyping because

    you’re figuring out functionality and

    seeing how it work and then even lo-fi

    wireframes you can do it by hand I find

    that’s a lot quicker and effective than

    trying to like go into Photoshop or

    something and in doing that that takes a

    lot more time than just doing my paper

    on it my favorite




    okay so there’s a question does mimics

    have support for SAS or other CSF

    scripting tool actually the UX there’s a

    framework we use the UI framework which

    you can find under if you search if you

    look up you x-men dexcom we have a

    framework argument place that is based

    on bootstrap as a baseline but then have

    blown out all of our various widgets and

    all their styling hooks and all that

    stuff is all compiled through SF it’s

    based on its on saph um and so you can

    actually if you go there you can play

    with these different themes we already

    have we also have a tool where you can

    select you know the primary color the

    maybe the header color the bee nail

    color and all these things and switch

    around me these colors and it will

    automatically create a theme for you so

    but violet you know you don’t just stop

    there you can easily download that or

    download one of the scene aims and open

    it up and add your own partials and do

    whatever you need to do that you want to

    integrate for with sass so someone else

    you mentioned

    giffey icon I’m not familiar with gippy

    icon but I as you know I some surgeon

    five-run to where you use um glyph akong

    as our icon but you can use any kind of

    icon fonts pretty easily in fruits ass

    so you basically need to have if you are

    familiar with like awesome icons they

    have a whole CSS you can kind of use

    that as a baseline template and you

    oh yeah so if you want to use a pro

    version of lift cons you have to get the

    font file you have to get the CSS file

    that makes the Declaration of each class

    name and then call it through as a class

    through through the modeler

    so Adam ha is here to help me out with

    from second question there’s less yeah

    so we have one question on adding

    JavaScript so you can use odd there’s a

    handful of files webinars that we’ve

    published before on creating your own

    custom widgets and those are all written

    in JavaScript so if you want to add any

    kind of JavaScript files there you can

    reference those webinars posts are up on

    the developer site as well well thank

    you as far as the there’s a question

    about is there documentation online

    about mimics a framework based on

    bootstrap and you can find that at ux

    min dicks calm and that has everything

    you’ll need to know about all that stuff



    okay we got it question here about can’t

    I just dial my application in line

    within the modeler why should i use a

    theme and classes it’s a very good

    question um that so in line for those

    who you are super savvy on CSS

    is basically it will add the class or

    the styling directly on the HTML tag and

    it seems like when you first start an

    application that’s that’s super easy I

    just throw it in there but what if you

    have a header that you want to look a

    certain way but that header is in 30

    different places do you really want to

    put that in 30 please replaces with the

    class you can just take those styles put

    it in a class and put the class on there

    and then if later on a hey your boss

    says no that’s too bold we need to make

    make it and make it green all you have

    to do is go into your CSS and change

    that color of that header to green and

    it happens all throughout and that’s

    really power of CSS CSS stands for

    cascading style sheets and it will not

    affect what it would do a cascade

    throughout all the different places

    that’s implemented



    so there’s a question here about do you

    think index has a frank as a framework

    impacts how you do user testing EG the

    framework has already undergone testing

    so you don’t have to test as much as if

    it or something built from the ground up

    i would disagree with that just because

    you may have elements

    the UI framework kind of has each

    element designed by itself how if you

    have three different widgets together

    who you know you’ve got to make sure

    that their relationship makes sense

    where their place and all that sort of

    things so you still have to do usability

    testing in regards to that and i would

    add on to that there are definitely

    things that the motte the platform takes

    care of for you but when you’re

    switching versions or if you’ve changed

    any kind of piece of micro flow or logic

    even outside of the usability you always

    want to go back and double-check that

    because if you’ve upgraded a widget to a

    different version it may not be

    compatible with something else that

    you’ve got going on so it definitely

    lightens the technical testing that you

    need to do but from a user acceptance

    kind of workflow testing I definitely

    advise doing complete testing there

    so I think that’s we’re going to wrap up

    here and I’m gonna ask back over and

    listen great um Russell thank you for an

    awesome presentation today and had them

    thanks for joining us for the Q&A

    portion as I mentioned this has been

    recorded to will send you a link to the

    recording and we’re also going to send

    you a link to the PDF that Russell

    mentioned which has some more detail

    thanks to everyone for joining us and

    have a great weekend

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